The Truth Comes Out

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*Alison's POV*

I took a deep breath as I walked into my dad's study. Spencer had talked to me about Charles. Charles DiLaurentis. And I was going to find out from my dad who that person could possibly be.

He turned around to face me without offerng any greeting. His eyes pierced into mine and made me want to turn and run back out the door. My father had never been very kind to me. I foudn solice in my mom, and now she was gone.

"Dad I need to talk to you," I said.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked.

"No," I said.

"Are you getting married?" He asked.

"No. But-"

"Are you in physical pain and need to be driven to the hospital?" He asked, cutting me off.

"No," I said.

"Then what could possibly be so important to distract me from my work?" He asked.

"I want to talk to you about Charles DiLaurentis," I said, speaking quickly so he wouldn't cut me off.

"Why in the world are you asking about him? I thought your mother covered him up pretty well," my father said, standing and beginning to pace.

"I'm asking about him because we think he's A," I said.

"You think Charles is A?" My father asked.

"We're pretty sure, yes. Who is he dad?" I asked, my voice becoming more aggressive.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it," my dad said.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me who the hell Charles DiLaurentis is," I said, iron in my voice. I wasn't giving up on this.

"Sit down, then Alison. We have a long story to cover," my father said. I sat down across from him at his desk, and crossed my legs, waiting for him to begin.

"You know your mother had an affair with Mr. Hastings," my father began.

"Yes. Old news, dad," I said.

"Your mother didn't just have Jason. She had twins. She named Jason, I named Charles, still believing they were both my chilldren," my father said, rubbing his hands over his eyes, signaling he would rather not have this conversation.

"Continue, please," I said.

"Persistence can be a bad thing," my father warned. But he continued anyway. "Charles and Jason were both very nice boys. But when we had you, Charles started growing resentful of the world. He was angry with your mother and I for having another child and taking our attention away from him," my father said.

"So you're saying I was the cause of all his issues?" I said, anger creeping into my voice.

"No. I'm not saying that. Anyway, your mother and I took him to a doctor. He was diagnosed as being severly mentally ill. He was a danger to you and to Jason, so we dropped him off at an adoption agency for mentally ill patients, where they're treated and some people can adopt him. I'm not quite sure what happened to him after that. But Charles could very well be A. In order to keep your friends locked up in a human dollhouse, that person would have to be severely mentally ill," my father said.

"You just left him? Dropped him off and never looked back?" I asked.

"What else were we supposed to do, Alison? The doctors told us that he could easily take a pair of scissors and plunge it into yours or Jason's chest in the middle of the night. Your mother and I decided to protect our other two children rather than one. It's a decision I don't regret. Especially considering he's not even my child," my father said.

"That's why he's targeting me and my friends, dad! Because he somehow found out who his family was and since he's still pissed at the world for me even being born, he decided to get revenge and take away my perfect little life with my perfect little parents that should have been his," I said.

"Alison. Calm down. We don't even know that Charles is A for sure," my father said.

"Yes, dad, we do. And now we know his motives," I said, standing up and throwing the chair across the room before storming out and driving over to Emily's house.

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