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*Author's Note: Hey guys! This story hasn't been nearly as successful as The Vampire Diaries one that i wrote, even though I feel like this one is better. I feel like writing this story is wasted, since nobody is reading it. Maybe it's just because I've dragged the story on too long, or it's going in the wrong direction, but I'm done. I guess I made the mistake of it not being about Hanna's pregnancy enough. I don't know. I just thought you guys would enjoy it. Maybe if I start getting enough feedback, you all can let me know what fanfiction you want me to write next? I'm open for suggetions. I hope you will all read my Vampire Diaries fanfic and my Revenge fanfic. It would mean so much to me if those stories were more successful than this one was! I'll try to make sure I finish out all the story lines, but if I miss something that you want to know about, just comment your question, and I will gladly respond to you!*

Everyone moved back to Rosewood in their own separate homes after the TV show didn't work out.

Hanna and Caleb had their baby girl, bought a home close to Ashley and Ted's, and they lived a long, happy life. Hanna ended up owning a cupcake shop in Rosewood, and Caleb became a computer programmer. 

Aria and Ezra moved into Ezra's old apartment, and had three children. Ezra went back to his old job of teaching at Rosewood High, and Aria became a kindergarten teacher. Paychecks were tight, but in thier famiy, money wasn't everything. 

Spencer and Toby moved into a small house far enough away from her parents that it didn't bother her. She did go to school and become a lawyer, not because that's what her parents wanted, but because that's what she actually enjoyed doing. Toby ended up owning his own carpentry business, and the two adopted twins from a young, teenage mother who couldn't handle being a parent yet. 

Emily was a little lost without swimming and Alison, so she went to college and became a doctor, so she could help other girls that went through injuries like she had. 

Alison was a complete mess. She became a stripper in one of the Rosewood clubs and got pregnant four different times, all different fathers. She lived with her children in a small apartment and struggled to live a comfortable life. 

*I really do hope you all enjoyed this, because I enjoyed writing it. At least until it started failing. Please check out my other stories, I'm working on a variety of things, and I would love some feedback*

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