Anti-A Meeting

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*Hanna's POV*

I walked up to Emily's front door with Caleb and let myself in. Emily, Aria, Ali, and Ezra were already there.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Well, we are still early," Ali muttered, twisting her hands.

"Hey, I noticed your dad wasn't listed in the group chat. Is he not coming?" Caleb asked.

" I didn't think it was important for him to be here," Ali said.

"Text him now. Spencer figured out that A's name is Charles. Charles DiLaurentis. We need your dad to tell us who he is," I said, sitting down and grabbing Ali's phone to hand it to her.

"Charles DiLaurentis?" She asked, texting her dad about the meeting.

"Yes. I mean we all have a few theories. But we'd like to know the truth," Aria said. That's when Mona walked in, closely followed by Mr. And Mrs. Hastings.

"Who are we waiting on now?" Aria said.

"Well, your parents, for starters. Toby. I think that's all," Ali said.

"Well, my mom just texted. She just pulled into the driveway," Aria said.

"What about your dad?" Ali asked. I could tell she hadn't been surprised about the Mongomerys split, which led us to believe that she had known Mr. Montgomery had been cheating on Ella.

"He's just a few minutes away," Aria said, as Ella and Toby walked in the door.

That's when my phone went off.

Where's the last member of the Anti-A Club? Oh, that's right. He just crashed, courtesy of your dear friend, Charles. -A

"Aria, I think you should see this," I said, holding it out to her. Everyone crowded around to read it. Aria paled, and so did Ella. While they weren't married anymore, there were no hard feelings left, and the thought of him being hurt probably still worried Ella.

"We don't know where he is?" Ella asked.

"What the hell? How did A know that we were meeting tonight?" Toby yelled, kicking the couch.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Fields asked, walking in from the kitchen.

"A made Byron crash so we couldn't have the meeting," Caleb said.

"Oh my god. Is he alright?" Mrs. Fields asked.

"I don't know. Aria try calling your father, my phone is dead," Ella said. Aria nodded and called. He didn't answer. My mom came out of the kitchen. She was clearly making herself at home.

"Well, do you want me to call it in to the police?" Toby asked.

"We don't even know where he is," Ella sobbed.

"Where who is?" Byron said, walking in the door.

"What the hell?" Caleb said under his breath. We all looked at Mr. Montomery like he was a ghost.

"What?" Byron said.

"A sent Hanna a text. It said that you crashed on your way here," Ella said.

"I didn't," Bryon said, looking at me like I was insane.

"I know what I saw. It was a text from A. Why would he have sent that if it wasn't true?" I asked.

"He was letting us know that he knows what we're doing," Ali said softly. After that, everyone went silent.

"Well, since he knows what we're doing, we might as well have a meeting to be prepared," Mr. Hastings said.

"Can we get on with it? I'm supposed to have a date tonight," Mona said, applying lip gloss.

"With Mike?" Aria asked her.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Mona asked.

"Does Mike know where you are?" I asked Mona.

"I told him we have a meeting tonight to plan out our defense plan against A," Mona said. We all stared at her. "What? I thought he was trust-worthy!" She said.

"I know what you're all thinking. Mike is not a traitor," Ella said.

"He's been acting pretty shady lately," Emily said quietly.

"I will not stand here and listen to this trash talk about my son. He did not tip A off about where we are," Byron said.

"Well, there is a way to test the theory," Ezra said, looking at Ella and Byron, almost afraid of what they would say.

"I'm listening," Ella said.

"Feed him false information. See if it gets back to A and is used as blackmail against the girls. If it doesn't turn up, Mike is in the clear," Ezra said.

"Information? Like what?" Caleb asked.

"Some sort of juicy gossip about one of the girls. That's not true, of course," Ezra said, looking at Aria, then at Emily and Ali, then me.

"Have Mona spill the beans that I'm pregnant and then act like it's a big secret that she wasn't supposed to tell anyone," I heard myself blurt out. Caleb looked at me like I was insane.

"Of course there's absolutely no way that could be true," my mom said, laughing it off. I'm pretty sure my face gave away that it was a completely plausible lie.

"Alright. But I'm telling you, this won't get back to A," Ella said. I hoped she was right.

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