Looking Back

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*Aria's POV*

"Now, here's the interview portion of the first show. I'll ask you questions, you answer on film. Are you ready?" Jeanie asked me. 

"I don't think I'll ever be ready for this show, but since I'm being forced to do it, all right," I said, inwardly groaning at myself when I noticed she had already been recording, and of course she could use that against me. 

"Alright. Aria. We understand that there has been some drama regarding you and Ezra. Care to elaborate on that?" Jeanie asked. 

"Ezra and I are perfectly happy with the way our lives turned out. That's all I'm going to say on the subject," I said. 

"And when did the texts from A start coming?" Jeanie asked.

"It started when I was in high school. It continued until we just didn't have to worry about it anymore," I said. 

"Maybe word that a little differently?" Jeanie pushed. 

"Ok...The texts from A started during junior year," I said, trying not to glare at Jeanie on camera. 

"What happened to you in the dollhouse. I beg you to elaborate on this, because I want people to understand just how truly awful it was for you," Jeanie said. 

"In the dollhouse, we were truly Charles' human dolls. Charles made me dye my hair or he threatened to cut it off. He made me choose which of the girls got shocked beyond belief, or we would all go without water for a few days. The thing is, we found out later that none of us actually got shocked," I said, shivering as I remembered the dollhouse. 

"Alright, Aria. That's great. We'll use your interview for the first show. It airs tomorrow night! Make sure you're watching!" Jeanie said.

*The next night*

We were all crowded in our living room, watching the TV, waiting for the show to start. It finally came on. 

"Hi everybody! Welcome to our amazing house! My name is Hanna Rivers, and I'll be the host of the evening!" Hanna said, walking into the front door, a camera clearly following behind her. It skipped to show us all chatting in the living room, eating dinner, making cookies. It was a lot of random fluff. Until it got to my interview. 

"And now, every show, we're going to get to know each one of our stars a little better. This week, Jeanie Mathews sits down and talks   with Aria Montgomery-Fitz!" Hanna said, smiling at the camera before it transitioned to me, sitting in the chair and smiling at the camera. 

"Hello, Aria, how are you?" Jeanie asked.

"I'm being forced to do this show. I don't think I'll be alright," I heard myself say. Somehow they managed to make me sound snottier than I did. I gasped. 

"I didn't say that!" I shrieked. 

"They edited what you said?" Ezra asked.

"Yes! I swear I didn't say that. I said those words, but not in that order," I said, starting to panic. 

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Aria. All of your friends seem far more receptive to it than you do. Why is that?" Jeanie said.

"That's all I'm going to say on the subject," My TV self said. I rolled my eyes. 

"They're scrambling everything I said. She never even asked me that question," I said, a pit opening in my stomach. What if she had enough ammo to prove Ezra had an affair with a student?

"Alright. Well, can you tell us about your relationship with Ezra?" Jeanie asked. 

"It started when I was in high school. Ezra and I are perfectly happy with the way our lives turned out," my TV self said.

"Did you say that to her, Aria?" Ezra said through gritted teeth.

"I swear I didn't. She manipulated every word I said!" I told him. Everyone was staring at the TV with their mouths hanging wide open. 

"When did A start bothering you?" Jeanie asked. 

"The texts from A started during junior year," my TV self said. 

"And what was the dollhouse like?" Jeanie asked. 

"I don't think I'll ever be ready to talk about it," my TV self said. Jeanie had made me look cold, unreceptive, and closed off in one short interview. Not to mention, probably ruining mine and Ezra's reputation. 

"Thank you so much for your time, Aria. Next week, we'll interview Spencer Hastings!" Jeanie said. The rest of the show went by in a blur. I was too busy steaming at Jeanie. I would make sure she  didn't do to Spencer what she had done to me.

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