Hotel Break

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*Aria's POV*
Towards the evening, we pulled over at a hotel. Hanna, Caleb and Mike all stayed behind, and the rest of us all went in and checked into three rooms. Ezra and I got one, Spencer and Toby got one, and Emily and Alison got one. 
When Ezra and I were settled into our room, I heard my phone ring. 
"Hello?" I said, answering it. 
"Aria. So good to finally reach you. Where the hell are you and Mike?" I heard my mother's voice. 
"We decided to take a little trip," I said, biting my lip, hoping she wouldn't get too angry with me. I figured we had a long enough head start that I could tell them and the couldn't do anything about it. 
"So again, I'll repeat. Where the hell are you and Mike?" My mother said. 
"We're on our way to Vegas," I said. 
"Are the other girls with you? Spencer's parents can't find her. The Cavanaughs are worried sick. Mrs. Fields is nearly sick with stress. Ashley Marin is the only one who isn't worried, because Hanna actually told her that she was taking a trip with Caleb. Everyone else has no clue where their children are," my mother said. 
"I said we're going to Vegas. Yes, everyone else is with us. Ezra and Spencer rented an RV," I said. 
"Why the hell did you rent an RV and decide to go to Vegas without telling us first. And why the hell did you take Mike with you?" My mother said.
"Because Mike is going to be one of the groomsmen," I said. There was a minute of silence.
"Groomsman? As in a wedding?" My mother asked. 
"Spencer and Toby, and Ezra and I are having a double wedding in Vegas," I said quietly. 
"And why did you not tell your father and I about this? Why are we not invited to our own daughter's wedding?" My mother screeched. 
"Because I was afraid since it was Ezra you might be mad and try to stop the wedding," I said. 
"I can't speak for your father, but I've gotten past that. And I want to be at my daughter's wedding," my mother said. 
"Mom, we're getting to Vegas tomorrow. We'll probably be getting married tomorrow night," I said. 
"Aria, I'm really disappointed in you," my mother said. 
"Mom, I just...I love Ezra so much and I didn't want anything gettting in the way of our wedding," I said. 
"I wouldn't have. Maybe your father would have. I don't know. But I still want to be there," my mother said. 
"Alright. Maybe you can catch a quick flight? I don't know. But I'm not postponing my wedding. I don't want another second to go by that I'm not married to Ezra," I said. 
"Understood. I'll try to see you soon. Without your father. Because I think he would try to stop this," my mother said, and hung up. 
"How did it go?" Ezra asked him as I took the phone away from my ear. 
"Well my mom might be at our wedding. Without my father," I said, walking over and kissing him.
"Just think. At this time tomorrow, you're going to be Mrs. Aria Fitz," Ezra said, kissing me. I thought about that. Spencer was going to be Mrs. Cavanaugh. Hanna was already Mrs. Rivers. Alison and Emily were the only ones who weren't married anymore. 
"I can't wait," I said, smiling and kissing him back. Then my phone rang again. 
"Hello?" I sighed, wanting to go back to kissing Ezra. 
"Aria, we may have a major problem," Spencer said. 
"What is it?" I asked. 
"You know how Jason said he was going to have to come up later because he had work?" Spencer said. 
"Yeah," I said. 
"Well, when my parents started asking where we were...they blackmailed Jason into telling. They're sending him after us to stop the wedding," she said. 
"Jason isn't going to stop your wedding," I said, rolling my eyes. 
"I know he won't. But the point is, my parents know. And they're going to be extremely pissed that I didn't choose to have it in Rosewood and have a fancy Hastings party to go along with it," Spencer sighed.
"Melissa and Ian didn't get married in Rosewood," I said. 
"I know. But Melissa is perfect. I'm the problem child, so I don't the same luxuries as Melissa," Spencer said. 
"Spence, it's going to be fine. And you know what? We don't even have to stay in Rosewood. We can get a little beach house with enough bedrooms for all of us, and we can live there. Hell, we could all move to Paris if we wanted to. I'm done with Rosewood. I don't know if you and Toby have talked, but Ezra and I are buying a beach house in Florida. And we're going to talk to all of you. You're all welcome to help pay for it. It's big enough for all of us," I said.
"I'm so done with Rosewood, too. I'll talk to Toby because that sounds absolutely perfect," Spencer said. 
"Great. So don't worry about your parents. Ok, Spence? You'll be fine," I said. 
"I won't. Thanks, Aria, you always know what to say," Spencer said, hanging up the phone. 
"So you already started offering a joint home? At least I can stand these people. And it might make living away from Rosewood more entertaining," Ezra said. 
"Yeah, well, if not all my friends agree to live there, I will literally die," I said, going back to kissing him. 
"I just hope some of them do. That way we don't have to pay for it all on our own," Ezra said. 
"We're going to have to make space for a nursery for Hanna," I said in between kisses. 
"Toby's a carpenter. If we need to, he can always build on to the house," Ezra said.
"I like how you think, husband-to-be," I said. 
"I love you so much, Aria," Ezra said.

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