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*Alison's POV*

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word. Momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird don't sing, Momma's gonna buy you a diamond ring. And if that diamond ring turns brass, Momma's gonna buy you a looking glass."

And that's when I fell into Mona's arms and sobbed, all my hatred for the girl rushing away with my tears. I'm not sure how long I stayed like that. It could have been minutes. It could have been hours.

My dad wasn't the only reason I was crying. We hadn't been that close. He had actually hated me. We had a terrible relationship. The only reason I cared that he was dead was that Charles had been the one to take him from me. It was a long list of things Charles had done to me that made me cry on the floor at Hanna's wedding reception.

Charles had killed my mother. Charles had taken my loving mother away from me.

Charles had killed my father, leaving me an orphan.

Charles had forced me to leave Rosewood and pretend I was dead.

Charles had kidnapped my best friends and left them in a human dollhouse for over a month.

The list went on and on. And every time I thought of something new, the tears rushed out and onto Mona's pretty dress, leaving little tiny water spots on it.

I vaguely paid attention as I was put in a car and it started moving. I was sobbing the whole time. I was broken. Shattered. Falling to little pieces too tiny to be put back together. I was broken beyond repair.

*Author's Note: Who else is excited for episode 2 of season 6 tonight? I can't wait! This show is literally my life and I'm so excited! But, with the show coming on tonight, I want to remind you guys that I'm not following the story line that the show is now. I may include some things, and have some parallels to it, but this is my story and I won't change it to fit the series as it goes on. I hope you guys are ok with that! Thank you for reading and enjoy the show tonight! I know I will!*

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