Chapter 2

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Today is Monday and it's my first day of college. I'm really excited because I'm going to start a new chapter from my life and I will study what I wanted since I was little: literature. I will finally be able to make my dream come true. I want to become a writer and I hope that I will be one in the future.

After getting dressed, I went downstairs to have breakfast. My mother was in the living room and when I asked her is she wants to have breakfast with me, she said she's not hungry. After eating some cereals, I'm ready to go. I walk to the living room and I look at her. I don't know if she's feeling good.

"Mom? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Go or you will be late on your first day."

"Okay. Have a good day!"

"You too, baby."

I leave the house and I go to my car. I get inside and I drive to the college. Today I will have my first classes of English Literature and I'm super excited. I hope I will have young teachers because they will understand us better than the mid-aged teachers.

I enter in the auditorium, and I sit down. I take out my pens and my notebook. I check my phone quickly to see if I have a message. I see a message from Nora.

'Hi girl! Good luck at college. I have news and I know you want this. On Friday it's a party at the Frat House and we are going there. So, think about a hot outfit. Kisses!'

Hmm... A party sounds fun. I will join it, but I will talk with Nora later. Now, I have to focus on my classes. I look to the entrance and a man comes in. I think he's in his late 30's.

"Good morning everyone! My name is Christian Vance and I will be your English Literature teacher." He tells us something about the structure of this subject and how the classes will go and the most important, the exam. A few minutes later, someone comes inside.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I know I'm late. The traffic..."

"Hardin, please, don't came to me with this excuse. I hire you because..."

"I'm sorry. I promise that this won't happen again."

"Ok. Students, this is Hardin Scott my assistant professor. He will be with me at this class, and you will have with him a seminary each Friday. And if you have any questions, you can ask us."

Fuck! You have to be kidding! What is he doing here? The guy which I almost make out in a public toilet is actually my teacher. Fuck off! He looks in the auditorium and our eyes meet. I can see in his eyes disappointment. Great!

"Hardin, I ask you to pick five students. And each one has to say something about him or her."

"Alright." He looks in the room and he picks four students, then I see him looking at me and pointing his finger to me. Great. Everyone before me starts to talk and now it's my turn.

"Okay... My name is Tessa Young and I'm 19 years old. I am loyal because I don't like to cheat or lie my family or friends. I'm dedicated because I like to put my soul in everything I do, I work hard until I get what I want. And I'm honest. Honesty is one thing I really appreciate in a relationship with someone, it doesn't matter what kind of relation is. I have two big defects: I'm naïve and sensitive. I'm also a perfectionist, and I consider it a defect, because dedication makes you to work hard for what do you want. And... this is me. Thank you." I sit down and I look at Hardin and he looks at me.

"Thank you, guys! Now, let's start the class."

After two hours, the class was dismissed and I was finally able to leave. I take my bag and I go to the door. When I walk out, someone grabs my hand.

"What the fu..." I turn around and I see Hardin. Oops.

"Tessa, hi."

"Hardin... Professor Scott. Hi. Is something wrong?"

"You can call me Hardin."

"I don't think so... you're my teacher and I respect people older than me. Tell me what do you have to say because I have another class in five minutes."

"I'm not that old! Can we meet later?"

"I don't think it's appropriate to meet outside school."

"5 pm at the pub?"

"I don't think I will come. Have a good day!"

I say and I walk away. Hardin is interesting and nice and I'm sure he can make me happy, but I can't do this. I can't be involved with a teacher. In movies, I saw that the teacher falls for his student, but in reality... I think there are some bad consequences and I don't want to pay for something stupid.

I go to my next class and the day goes hard because I only thought about Hardin. A part of me is curious about what he has to say. I think I should go to the pub to see what he wants. Maybe he wants to say to me that what happened a few days ago was a mistake and we should forget everything. I think I'm going to go to see what he wants.

At 5pm, I enter in the pub and I see him sitting at a table, so I walk there.

"You came..."

"Hi. Talk, fast." I sit in front of him and I wait for what he has to say.

"Why you didn't tell me you're going to this college?"

"Because you never asked. And you didn't tell me where are you working."

"If I had knew you are a student... I wouldn't have kiss you."

"And I bet you wouldn't wish to fuck me that night."

"Don't say that, please... I admit I was an asshole. And I swear, I would like to get to know you if the circumstances were different, but... the rules of our University are harsh."

"I know the rules, Hardin. I was nice to see you, Mr. Scott. Have a good night." I say and I get up walking to the exit, but I can see he's coming after me.

"Tessa... I'm sorry."

"You can't be sorry."

"But I really like you and I swear... I wouldn't do this in this way." He drags me to him until our faces are so close, that he kisses me. And I enjoy the kiss. Who am I fooling? I like him and I would like this to be in other way.

I enjoy the kiss like there's no tomorrow and we stop when we're out of breath.

"We're breaking the rules, Mr. Scott."

"And you think I care about it?"

"You know we can't do this. At least, not while you are my professor."

"I know... But I really want you. And we can keep it a secret."

"We can't." I put my hand on his cheek. "I like you, but we have to have a professional relationship."

"Okay... But let me feel your lips one more time." He kisses me again and I enjoy this kiss too. When he lets me go, I walk out and I disappear into my car.

Hardin seems to be perfect for me. He's a good kisser and I like everything at him. But we can't break the rules. I can't risk to be expelled and he can't risk to lose his job.

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