Chapter 28

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"I really missed you, babe."

"I've missed you too."

"I'm sorry for what I did. Can you forgive me?"

"You are forgiven, but promise me something."


"I'm not going to stop you from going out with your friends, but next time, I would like to know you are going out and with whom."

"It's like you want to control my life."

"No. I just want you to be safe. Let's remember that Trevor wasn't the only psycho in this world."

"Okay. I will tell you from now on."

"What do you say if we're going out with my friends tomorrow night? They are really excited to meet you."

"Yes, sure. Now, can we sleep? I'm a tired after that flight."

"Have a good sleep, love." He kisses my head and I fall asleep.

The next evening...

"Baby, hurry up. We have to leave soon."

"Just one minute, please!"

"What are you doing in the bathroom? What it takes you so long?" He wants to come in the bathroom, but I don't let him inside. "Are you naked?"


"Then let me in."

"No! I will be out in a minute. Go and wait me in the car."


"Because if you will see what I'm wearing, we won't go anywhere."

"Let me in and I will tell you what I think."

"No way."

"Tess, open the fucking door."

"Ok, ok." I open the door and I let him see my outfit. I'm wearing a black blazer dress. It's short and as I can see on his face, he doesn't like it.

"Fuck, no. You are not wearing this. You have to change your outfit."


"Yes! I'm not repeating myself."

"What's wrong with this outfit?"

"It's too short and too deep." He points to my cleavage.

"But I like the outfit, Hardin!"

"I don't! And don't play with my nerves. Or do you want to be fucked right now?"

"I think I will like it." I smirk and I start to unbutton his shirt.

"My mother is downstairs and I'm sure she doesn't want to hear us. And we will be late." He push my hands away, buttoning his shirt. "Go put some pants on you and let's go."

"Ugh, you're messing with me. But okay."

I walk in his bedroom and I change my clothes. This time I wear a silk green tank top and some black jeans. I put on my shoes, I take my purse and I walk back to Hardin.

"Is this better?" I sigh and he smiles.

"Yes. Let's go."

We say goodbye to Trish and we go to Hardin's car. After a 20 minutes drive we arrive at the club where we meet Hardin's friends. There are five people and they seem nice.

Hardin: "Guys, it's finally time for you to meet the girl who stole my heart, Tessa. Babe, from right to left. Dan, Andrew, Josh, Kevin and Elise, his girlfriend."

Kevin: "Fiancée, man. She's my fiancée."

Hardin: "Alright, I'm sorry." We sit down next to Elise and Kevin.

Andrew: "What do you want to drink guys?"

Tessa: "Just water, please. For both of us."

Andrew: "Just water?"

Hardin: "Why are you surprised. I'm driving and she's not consuming alcohol anymore."

Andrew: "Lame!" he rolls his eyes and he leaves.

Josh: "So... tell us the story how you two meet."

Tessa: "Funny story." I laugh.

Hardin: "I was in a bar, reading a book and then she came in. She sat next to me and she ordered a sex on the beach. She said that it's impressive to see a man reading Pride and prejudice in the 21th century. We had a lot in common and we decided to go out another time." He's not telling the truth. But, who wants to know that we almost made out in a bathroom? I laugh in my mind.

Tessa: "A few days later we met again. You want to know where? At college, he was my teacher." Everyone starts to laugh.

Elise: "And what did you do? I know that a relationship between a teacher and a student is not accepted."

Tessa: "And it's true. As soon as I know that he's my teacher I cutoff all contact. I ignored him until I wanted to change his class, but I couldn't. One day he asked me to stay to talk about my absence at his courses and I told him that I love him. Later that day he sent me a message telling me he feels the same, he wanted to meet and I accepted. And he convinced me to give us a try and now here we are..."

Kevin: "And no one catch you?"

Hardin: "No." We laugh. "I had connections with the dean."

Dan: "Cool."

A few minutes later...

"Wanna dance, babe?" I say while I stand up.

"Yes, let's go." He stands up and he walks me to the dance floor. After 30 minutes we go back to the table.

"Can we go back, babe?"

"No. I said to stop dancing with you beautiful ass on me. If you don't want to fuck you that small bathroom."

"It will be a good idea." I giggle but then I see someone on the couch. What the fuck is she doing here?

"I think it was a bad idea to come here."

"I swear I have no idea what is she doing here. I didn't even know she's here."

"I trust you. Let's take our stuff and go home, ok?"

"Why we should leave and ruin our night when we can avoid her?"

"But promise me that if he says one word, we're out."

"I promise." he smiles and then he kisses me when we arrive in the front of everyone. I know what he's doing. He wants everyone to know that I am his, and he is mine.

Dan: "Guys, we're in a club, remember?" he yells at us.

Hardin: "Fuck off, mate." He drags me to the couch but there is one seat left. He sit down and he drags me on his lap.

Jules: "Tessa, nice to see you again."

Tessa: "I'm sorry but I can say it's mutual." I play with Hardin's hair.

Hardin: "Tess..."

Tessa: "I hope you are not expecting me being friend with her."

Hardin: "No."

Jules: "Hardin, sweetheart, why is she so rude to me?"

Hardin: "She has reasons to be." He smirks and he looks at my breasts.

Dan: "Oh, guys. Take a room!"

Tessa: "Stop being a jerk, babe. It's not the place and time for sex." I whisper in Hardin's ear.

Jules: "Hardin, darling, why you don't tell her about last few weeks we spent together? We had so much fun!" she smirks and she gives me a devil look.

Tessa: "You did what?!"

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