Chapter 41

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A little while later...

"Ugh, it hurts, Hardin." She squeezes my hand and I let her. It's the least I can do."

"You are doing great, love." I kiss her forehead.

Dr. Deluca: "Let's see how you're doing, Tessa."

Tessa: "It hurts..."

Dr. Deluca: "You will see that the pain was worth it." She checks Tessa. "Nine centimeters dilated. Soon, you will meet your baby girl."

The next minutes pass in a blur. I'm standing next to Tess and I whisper nice things in her ear.

Hardin: "You are the strongest woman alive and you can do it, baby. You are doing really great, love." I kiss her temple as she squeezes my hand.

Dr. Deluca: "Tessa, the pain is worth it. You have to push one more time and she's here."

Hardin: "I know you can do it, love. One push and our angel is here. I love you."

A few moments later...

Dr. Deluca: "There she is." She puts the baby on Tessa's chest and I have tears in my eyes. Her head is full of golden hair and she stops crying when she feels her mother's warmth. And in that moment, I realize everything. I'm a father.

Tessa: "Emery, her name is Emery." She says and I love the name. I watch how she kisses her little head, but soon after that she closes her eyes and the machines around us starts to make some weird noises.

Dr. Deluca: "Take the father out, now!"

Nurse: "Sir, come with me."

Hardin: "What? No! I'm not leaving her. What's happening?!"

Dr. Deluca: "Hardin, get out, now! Take him out!"

Nurse: "Sir, you have to come out." She drags me out of the room.

Christian: "Hardin?"

Ana: "What happened?"

Hardin: "She passed out and they kicked me out!"

Ana: "And the baby?"

Hardin: "She was fine. She's beautiful! But Tess..."

Ana: "Maybe she was just tired after giving birth."

Hardin: "All the machines around her were crazy. The doctor was panicked. I don't want to lose her! She's all I have! I can't lose her." I turn my back to them. I don't want to be vulnerable in front of them. "Fuck!" I hit the wall and I don't care if I'm hurt.

Christian: "Calm down! Tessa is going to be fine!"

A few minutes later...

Nurse: "Who is for Theresa?"

Hardin: "I am!" I stand up and I look at her. She's sorry? I can sense regret in her eyes. "How's my fiancée?"

Nurse: "I'm sorry for your loss. We did everything to save her."

Hardin: "What?" I look at her with tears in my eyes.

Nurse: "I'm really sorry, sir."

Hardin: "Fuck!" I yell and I hit the wall again. The pain is bigger than a stupid hit.

Christian: "Hardin! Hardin! Calm down!" He takes my shoulders.

Hardin: "I can't do this without her! I just... can't!" I sit down and I start to cry.

Dr. Deluca: "Hardin? Hey!"

Hardin: "You didn't anything to save her!" I get up and I yell at her. "You let her die!"

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