Chapter 37

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"What?" I start to laugh.

"Yes, it's a baby girl. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, I didn't expect it." I wipe off a tear. "I really wanted a girl."

"You dream will come true. But the father... I don't think he'll be really happy about this change." She giggles.

"Yeah..." I smile. "But I'm sure he will love the baby in the same way."

"Of course!'

"But why we didn't know it at the last appointment?"

"It was a strange position and it wasn't really clear. I'm sorry for my mistake."

"Don't worry, it's okay."

"All is good with you baby girl. I'll print the ultrasound for you, okay?" She hands me some tissues and I wipe off the gel.


After we talk for another minutes, I leave back to work. Ana greets me at the front desk.

"Hi. Everything is alright with the baby?"

"Yes. But I have gestational diabetes, but it's not that bad. If I take care me, everything will be alright. And I also got some news from my doctor and I know Hardin will freak out."

"What's up?"

"Well, you will find out later. I'm going back to work. I'll see you later."

I walk back to my office and I start to work. After a few hours, I arrive home. I change my clothes and I call Hardin to share the news with him.

Video call

"Hi, love."

"Hi! I have some news for you. One is good and one is bad."

"What? What happened? Our son is okay?"

"Yes, the baby is fine." I say as I rub my bump. I have some health issues. I have gestational diabetes, but if I'm taking care of my diet, I will be fine. I need just a healthy lifestyle and I need to check my blood sugar frequently. I'm going to be fine, don't worry, okay?"

"Okay... And the other new?"

"Say 'hi' to our baby girl." I show him the ultrasound with a smile on my face.

"Haha, good joke, baby." He smiles.

"It's not a joke. I'm more than serious. It's a girl!"

"No, it's not possible. You doctor told us we're having a girl!"

"But she told us it's a boy!"

"She was wrong because she didn't see well. But it's good now, we are having a baby girl! Are you not happy? It's a girl. You were wrong and it's good to know that." I giggle.

"Why are you so mean, love?" He smiles at me.

"Because you wanted a boy and we're having a girl! But wait, you are not mad?"

"Just a little. But... in the end, I will have two beautiful girls to spoil. It's a win-win situation."

"Aw, you are cute."

"I know. And now, about your problem... I will send my mom to stay with you."

"What? No!" I go from happy to angry. I'm old enough to take care of me. "I can take care of myself, Hardin!"

"Don't do this, please. My mother will be more than happy to come and help you. Please.., accept this help."

"And what about you? Who will take care of you there?"

"Why are you worried about me?"

"Because I care about you."

"Well, I'm not pregnant and I don't have some health issues, so I can take care of myself. So, she's going to take the next flight to Seattle to come and take care of you an our s... girl."

"Okay. But I have some rules."

"I don't like how this sounds."

"One. I will still go to work. My health issue is not something that bad. Second. You will not call me just to ask me how I'm feeling, I'm not sick."

"That's all?"


"Okay, that's simple. But at work, Ana will keep an eye on you. And if she tells you to go home, you go home."


"And now... it's time to tell me that you were joking and it's a boy." He smiles.

"Nope, I'm not joking. We are having a girl!"

"Your father will be disappointed too."

"I know. Maybe next time, we're making a boy."

"Next time? Are you planning to have more kids with me?"

"At least another one after the girl." I smile. "And you should reverse the vasectomy. Maybe we will have more chances to have another baby."

"Let's not talk about this right now. It's still early."

"You should have this surgery while I'm pregnant because it will be a time when we won't have sex."

"I'm planning to have sex with you until the last moment."

"Yeah, no." I say. "I think it's late in London and I'm going to let you sleep."


"Keep me updated about your mother's flight, okay?"

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you."

A few weeks later...

It's been a few weeks since Trish is living with me and it's nice to have someone next to me. And today was a nice day because I finally felt the baby moving and I was really excited to feel her kicks. It wasn't something strong, but I felt it. I immediately called Hardin.

Video call

"Hey? What's wrong? Everything is alright?"

"Yes. I just want to tell you something."

"What? What's up?"

"She's moving. I feel her kicks."


"Yes! I can't describe the feeling... it's amazing. Magic!"

"I can't wait to feel it."

"Right now, you can't feel her, but in a month, you will be here and you will feel her."

"And I can't wait to see you."

"Me too."

"And how are you feeling?"

"I'm tired. It was a long day at work. My legs are swollen."

"Why don't you work from home?"

"Because I will get bored. I'm good. I'm just pregnant. I'm not the only pregnant woman in this world."


"How you are doing alone in London?"

"How do you know I'm alone? I am not. I have a lot of girls with me." He smirks and I want to hit him.


"I'm kidding. I'm doing great. I eat pizza everyday."


"And pastas, of course! This is all I cook."

"When you will be back, you will have a bump. After I give birth, we will go together at the gym." I laugh.

"Haha, very funny."

"I love you, Hardin."

"And I love you. Both of you." 

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