Chapter 23

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"What the fuck, Hardin?!"

"Of, fuck! I haven't stayed here for years... I'm sorry. I'll take them down." I look at the posters with naked women on his walls and I turn around. I'm not mad at him, but it's embarrassing.

"I'll wait downstairs." I say and I go downstairs, to Trish.

"Everything is alright, darling?"

"Yeah... just... his posters." I giggle.

"Oh... That was old Hardin." She laughs. "Do you want some tea?"

"Yes, please." She pours some tea in a cup and I take a sip.

"I'm glad you two came here. I missed you."

"We missed you too." I smile.

"How are you feeling, darling?"

"I'm good. I'm recovering. I'm going to therapy and it helps me a lot."

"I'm glad to hear that. What about work? I'm sure my son is giving you a hard time at work."

"Believe me, he does." I giggle. "He can't keep his hands away." I say remembering what we did in his office a few days ago.

"Kids, be careful. You two are young and I'm sure none of you want a kid in this moment. Hardin... Hardin did a big mistake in the past and I don't want him to repeat it."

"We..." She interrupts me.

"You are young and I really know sex is really great, but use protection. I want grandkids, but right now... I'm too young to be a grandmother." We both laugh.

"We are careful, don't worry about that."

Hardin: "Tess?" He says from the base of the stairs. "You can come upstairs. Mom? Can you throw it for me?" He let the posters on the floor."

Trish: "Of course!"

Hardin: "Thank you." He takes my hand and we go upstairs in his room. "What do you say if I'm going to put something else on my walls?"

"You want to upgrade the walls with new posters?" I giggle as I wait him to undress, so I can take his t-shirt.

"Yeah. But I want you to be on my walls. I should take some picture with you, naked."

"Not even in your dreams, Mr. Scott." He give me his t-shirt, I get dressed and we both get in bed. "Hardin?"


"Does you mother know about your vasectomy?"

"No, why are you asking?"

"Well... She asked me how's working with you and I told her that you can't keep your hands away and she figured out we're having sex. A lot of it. She told me to be careful, that she doesn't want you to make the past mistake."

"I don't know why she cares about my sexual life."

"She's your mom. She wants only what's the best for you."

"And I think I'm big enough to take some decisions. I'll have a talk with her later."

"Don't do this. We're here to relax and have fun with her."


"Let's sleep. I'm exhausted."

"Good night, love."

"Good night."

The next morning...

I wake up before Hardin and I decide to let him sleep. I gently get up from the bed, I put on a pair of shorts and I walk downstairs and I find Trish in the kitchen.

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