Chapter 36

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"Now, you should read that e-mail. I'm here with you, okay?" I put my hand on his thigh.

"Okay." He opens the e-mail and he starts to read it. But he's quiet.


"Christian is my father, but I'm not compatible with him."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry." He says and he kisses me. "Shall we go and buy some thing for the baby?"

"Uhm, no. I want to stay home and spend time with you. I want to cuddle with you and maybe later... we can go in our bedroom and you know..." I smirk and I kiss his neck.

"I like how it sounds. But for now, what if I'm going to cook for you, then we can have a bath together."

"This plan is great!"

We move to the kitchen and we start to cook together. After we eat, we go to the bathroom. As soon as the bath tub is full, we get in the water. I get in first, then Hardin sits behind me and he starts to play with his hands on my bump.

"You are really cute."

"Don't call me cute." I can spot a smile on his face.

"Are you happy?"

"Happier than ever. Especially that we're having a boy. I can't wait to teach him my skills."

"How to be dominant like you?" I smirk and I let my head on his shoulder.

"Yes. And how to steal a heart."

"But please, I beg you to not teach him how to be mean with girls."

"I promise."

"I hope he won't be an asshole like his father."

"I'm an asshole?"

"Yes. But you are my asshole." I turn my back and I kiss him.

"I love you."

"I love you. And I'm happy we're back together."

"I can't wait to call you my wife."

"You have to wait. Firstly, you have to propose me."

"I did it, in a way or another." He starts to massage my boobs.


"Yes, love?"

"You make me want you." I turn around so I can straddle him.

"Tess..." he let his hands on my hips.

"Let's enjoy these moments together. You will be gone in a few days and we won't see each other for a while. You should satisfy the cravings of your future fiancée. You can't refuse a pregnant woman."

"Hmmm." He starts to kiss me and I move a little, so he can penetrates me.

"Oh, my!" I gasp and I start to move up and down, making the water splash around.

"I love you, Tess. I love you so much!"

"I love you." I say and I kiss him.

A few days later...

"Do you really have to go back?"

"For a few weeks and then, I'm all yours."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise."

"I love you."

"I love you." He kisses my forehead, then he kisses my bump. "Both of you."

"Take care, okay?"

"Okay. Call me when you need me, okay?"

"I will. I will miss you."

"I will miss you too."

"Go or else you will miss your flight."

"Bye, love." He kisses me and he leaves.

Another few weeks later...

"Ana? Can I leave earlier today? My doctor wants to see me."

"Of course. Everything is alright?"

"I hope it is." I gently rub my bump.

"Did you announce Hardin?"


"Why not?"

"I don't want to worry him. Maybe it's nothing."

"Good luck, then."


I leave the office and I drive to the hospital. I'm a little bit scared. I did my tests last week and something wasn't right, so my doctor wants to see me. I just hope the baby's fine. For now, I'm not calling Hardin to announce him about it. I know he's crazy and he will come here just for this problem. I'll tell him as soon as the doctor tells me what's happening.

As I arrive at the hospital, the doctor let me in her office.

"Hello, doctor Deluca."

"Hi. Take a seat, please."

"Thank you. So... everything is alright with my baby?"

"Yes, your baby is fine. You have some minor problems."

"What kind of problems?"

"You have something called gestational diabetes."


"Yes. It's a disease that occurs in pregnancy, but it shouldn't worry you. If you follow the instructions I give you and if you will do some tests every other week, everything will be fine."

"It affects the baby?"


"And what's happening from now on?"

"You will change your diet, I'll give you a personalized menu and you should follow it. You will avoid sugar and some food. I want you to keep your blood sugar lever under observation and in the future, depending on everything, we will decide what we're going to do. But don't worry, the baby is not in danger. And if you are really here, let's check the baby. Let's do an ultrasound and to check the vitals.


We move to the bed. I lift up my blouse and she squirts some gel on my bump and she starts the ultrasound.

"All good with my baby?"

"Yes, but there is a problem."

"Huh? What problem?" I say panicked.

"Don't panic, okay? It's my mistake." She laughs. "I know I say you are expecting a boy. But... I was wrong. You baby is a girl."

"What?" I start to laugh.

"Yes, it's a baby girl. I'm really sorry."

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