Chapter 5

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Sunday evening

It's Sunday and I'm getting ready. I decided to wear a black turtleneck blouse with a nude skirt and over-knee black boots. I quickly curls my hair and I walk downstairs where I met mom.

"Are you going somewhere, honey?"

"Yeah. I'm going out with some friends." I hate that I have to lie to her, but I can't tell her I'm in a relationship with my teacher.

"Alright. Have fun!"

"Thanks. Bye!" I kiss her cheek and I leave.

I get in my car and I drive to Hardin's place. I park the car and I walk to the building. I enter and I go to the elevator. I press the button for the 6th floor. As I arrive, I go to apartament number 64 and I knock at the door. After a few moments, Hardin opens the door and he has a big smile on his face.



"I hope you like pasta."

"I love it." We get inside and we go to the table. Hardin puts food on the plates and we start to eat.

"And tell me something about you."

"I'm 19 years old, I absolutely adore literature, I'm a single kid and my parents are getting a divorce."

"Oh... I'm sorry. But I really understand how you are feeling."

"You do?"

"Yeah, my parents are divorced."

"Cool. Now, your turn."

"I'm 24, I lived in London. I have a brother and he's in love with you. I came in US five years ago for college and I don't have in plan to go back to London. I also love everything about literature and I want to write a book and publish it until I will be 30. What about you?"

"I wish I will be an editor in a publishing house after I finish my studies."

"That's nice. Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, go on."

"Do you like Trevor?"

"What kind of question is this, Hardin?"

"Just answear."

"I still would be here if I would like him, huh?"

"Oh... Forget it. It's stupid. I'm sorry. It's been a long time since my last serious relationship."

"It's okay..."

After we finish dinner, we move to the living room and we start to watch a movie.

"Where is the bathroom?"

"Let me show you."

We get up and he leads me to the bathroom. I get inside, I do my business, I wash my hands and when I want to go back to Hardin, I hear voices from the living room. I don't get out because I heard Trevor's voice.

"What are you doing here, Trevor?"

"I need some advice from my bigger brother. I want to take a girl on a date."

"What girl?" I suddenly know this is about me.

"It doesn't matter. You don't know her."

"Is the girl from that party?"

"Yes... So? How I should invite her to dinner?"

"I don't think you should get involved with her. She's not your type and from what I saw, she doesn't like you. And I saw her with someone guy in the campus."

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