Chapter 3

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Friday Night

I don't know if it was a good idea to join Nora at the frat party, but let's hope nothing bad will happen.

Even if she told me to get dressed with something sexy, I didn't do it. I put on some jeans and a crop top.

I get a text from Nora where she tells me she's in the front of my house. I take my bag and I leave my room. In the living room, I find my parents. Perfect!

Carol: "Are you going somewhere, honey?"

Tessa: "Yeah, I'm going to a party with Nora."

Richard: "You are not going anywhere, Tessa."

Tessa: "Excuse me? Who are you to tell me this?"

Richard: "Your father."

Tessa: "Before to tell me what to do, you shouls solve your anger issues."

Carol: "She's going. She's an adult and she can take care of herself."

Richard: "You are crazy, woman!"

Tessa: "Fight after I'm gone. Bye!" I say and I leave the house. I see Nora's car and I get inside. "Hi, girl."


"What's up?"

"Well... A lot happened."

"Tell me."

"My parents are fighting, again. And remember that guy I met in the pub last week?"

"Yeah... You seemed amazed by him. Did you fuck him?"

"Nope. I can't do this."

"Why not?"

"Because he's my teacher."

"Oh my fucking God! You made out with your teacher?"


"But he's too young to be a teacher."

"I think he just graduated. He's the assistant of my teacher. But he's still my teacher!"

"And why you don't want to do anything with him? You can do it without anyone to know."

"Because we both risk. He can lost his job and I can be expelled."

"You are a rule breaker, girl."

"These are serious rules. I don't want to be in trouble."

"And what are you going to do from now?"

"Nothing. I'll just ignore him."

"If this is what do you want, I won't say anything."

A few minutes later, Nora parks the car near the frat house. We get inside where the music is loud and the students are already partying. Nora drags me to the couch where our friends are.

Nora: "Look who is here!" She sits next to Landon, her boyfriend. "Tessa decided to join us tonight."

Landon: "Hi, Tessa."

Tessa: "Hi guys!" I sit next to Nora and I look around.

Trevor: "Hi Tess. How are you."

Tessa: "Good, thanks. You?"

Trevor: "Me too."

Molly: "You suck at flirting." She rolls her eyes. "You came with me, Trevor, baby. You pay attention to this girl?"

Trevor: "We came together because I was a gentleman and I couldn't let you come with a cab."

Molly: "You changed this summer."

Tessa: "And you are jealous because I look better?"

Molly: "Better?" She chuckles. "You look way older than you are."

Tessa: "You really want to fight with me? I'm ready to fight."

Landon: "Girls... let's not fight tonight."

Nora: "Let's take some drinks, Tessa." She takes me to the kitchen. "So, what do you want to drink this night?"

"Nothing. I don't drink alcohol anymore."

"Since when?"

"Since I almost fucked my teacher in the bathroom's pub. But I'll take a coke." I take a bottle of coke and I open it while we go back to the others.

A few hours later...

"Hi, Tess." Trevor sits next to me and he let his hand on my leg. Okay, I don't like it and I a have a feeling he's really drunk.

"Hi. Are you feeling good, Trevor?"

"I'm just drunk."

"You should go home."

"I can't. I'm drunk. I can't drive. Can you take me home?"

"I can't take you home, Trev. I don't own a driver license. I'm sorry." I get up and I walk to Landon who's not drunk. "Trevor is drunk and someone should take him home."

"Alright. I'll call his brother to come and pick him up."


After half an hour, I hear someone calling Trevor's name. And this person seems to be angry.

"Where the fuck he is?" He walks to the couch and he yells at Trevor. "Drunk asshole!" He looks around and I freeze. No, fucking way. I take Nora's arm and I want to drag her to the door, but she stops me.

"Hey, where do you want to go?"



"Because I don't want to face Hardin. Hardin is Trevor's brother."


Trevor: "Tess, baby... Come home with me!" He says with a drunk tone.

Hardin: "You are drunk as fuck, bro. Landon, please, help me take him to my car."

Landon: "Alright." They take Trevor out.

"He looks really good."


"I'm just saying a truth."

"Can you take me home? I think I had enough of this party."

"Yeah. Let's just say goodbye to Landon. Wanna stay at my place tonight? My parents are out of town for the weekend."


After we say goodbye to Landon, Nora drives to her place. On our way, I sent mom a text to announce her that I'm staying at Nora's.

As soon as we arrive, we get changed with some pajamas and we get in bed, playing a movie on Netflix.

"Really... Hardin seems to be a good guy and he seems to be different than Trevor."

"Well, I can't date them. One, Hardin is my teacher, and two, Trevor is not actually my time. And Molly would murder me if she will see me with Trevor."

"You really care about that bitch?"

"I don't want to fight with her, Nora. It's complicated. And especially now, after I know Hardin and Trevor are related, I don't even want to be with any of them."

"You lose."

"I don't lose. I don't want to end with my heart broken. I wish I will find someone like you have Landon."

"And you will, I promise. Everyone has that person in this entire world and there is a moment when to meet that specific person."

"I know..."

You Broke Me FirstOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora