Chapter 35

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"Tessa! Open the door, please. I didn't want to sound in that way. Tess, baby... Open the door, please."

"Leave me alone!"

"Tess, I didn't came here to fight with you. Come out, please."

"I need some time alone!"

"But please, don't so something stupid." I open the door, full of anger. How can he think something like this?!

"What the fuck do you think I could do? I should cut my veins or jump from the window or dink?! What the fuck is wrong with you, Hardin? I am pregnant and I love this baby more than anything. And I won't hurt myself just because you are mad at me!"

"I'm sorry." He comes closer, dragging me in his arms and I start to cry. Fucking hormones... "What's wrong, baby?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to fight. My hormones are crazy and... and... I can't."

"Hey, it's okay baby." He strokes my back. "What if you are going to take a nap until we go to dinner?"

"Will you stay with me?"

"I will..."

We get inside the bedroom and I get in bed. I end falling asleep in his arms. When I wake up, I'm alone in bed. Oh no, he's mad at me and he left. I get up from bed and I walk to the living room where I find him talking at his phone. He smiles when he sees me.

"Yeah, I will be there tomorrow at 8am. Alright, thank you." He ends the call. "How did you sleep?"

"Good. I'm sorry, Hardin. My hormones are controlling me. I can't control you. You are going back to London in a few days. I should asked you how are you feeling about this, not to force you to do something."

"I will be back to London, but I'm going to be back before Christmas."

"And then, you're going back." I roll my eyes.

"I'm not going back to London after Christmas."


"I'm coming back home, to you, love. And you know what will happen, right? You promised me something and I hope you're going to keep your promise." I remember that promise, but I will avoid it for now.

"Who was at the phone?"

"Uhm... Kim."


"Look, I'm doing this only for you. I'm going to take that test tomorrow before we're going to see the baby."


"But if I'm not compatible, I'm not doing anything."

"Okay. It's your choice."

"Are you hungry?"

"I am always hungry." I laugh.

"I'll order something for us."

"Don't forget the dessert."

"I won't."

One hours later...

"The food was delicious."

"I'm happy you liked it."

"Wait, we shouldn't have dinner with Christian and Ana?"

"Yeah, but we're going tomorrow."


After we wash the dishes, we go back to our bedroom and we lay in the bed.

"I can't wait to see the baby."

"Me too. It's incredible how you hear the heartbeat."

"You know, I was really emotional when I saw the video..."

"It will be hard..."

"I know... But we're doing this together." He kisses me.

"I hope we're having a boy."

"It's a girl. I feel it." I smile.

"I will love her anyway. And I love you."

"I love you."

The next morning...

We woke up early in the morning so we arrived at the hospital at 8am so Hardin can do those blood tests. After that, we went to my appointment.

Nurse: "Tessa Young?"

Tessa: "I'm here." We get up and we walk inside my doctor's office. "Good morning, doctor Deluca." I smile.

Dr. Deluca: "Good morning, Tessa. As I can see, the father came to see the baby."

Tessa: "Yes. This is Hardin, my boyfriend." I smile.

After we talk about what happened in the last weeks, she tells me what I have to do from now on and we move to the bed, being the time for the ultrasound. I sit on the bed and I lift up my blouse.

Dr. Deluca: "The gel will be cold." She squirts some gel on my abdomen, then she starts the ultrasound. She's really sweet because she starts to explain Hardin what's on the screen. "Here is the head, the body... two little arms with ten fingers and two legs with ten fingers. A healthy baby and it has the right measurements for this age." Hardin is fascinated by what he sees and I can even spot some tears in his eyes.

Hardin: "And what we're having? A boy or a girl?"

Dr. Deluca: "As I can see, it's a boy. Congratulations!"

Hardin: "A boy?" His smile grows and I smile too.

Dr. Deluca: "Yes, a healthy baby boy. I'll print the ultrasound for you while you wipe off the gel." She gives me some tissues and I wipe the gel off my belly. "I suggest you to come for another ultrasound in December. Until then, I want you to do those tests, okay?"

Tessa: "Yes."

Dr. Deluca: "Then you are ready to go." She hands Hardin the ultrasound and he takes it proudly.

Tessa: "Have a good day!"

Dr. Deluca: "Thank you. You too!"

We leave the office and we go to the car.

"I knew it! It's a boy!"

"A mini Hardin, wow." I kiss him.

"I love you and our son."

"And I love you both." I smile and he kisses me again. "Can we keep it for us for a while? Maybe we can do a gender reveal later?"

"Yes, of course!"


A few days later...

"So, you got the mail?"



"I didn't read it yet."

"Do it."

"I'm scared."

"Don't be. Everything will be fine. I will be here, with you." I sit on his lap and I kiss him. "How you feel about these news?"

"It's hard to find out that your mentor is you father and the man who raised you isn't your father. This world is fucked up."

"I know..."

"I want to promise to you that I'm going to be the best father for our child, and I will love him more than anything." He rubs my belly and I smile with tears in my eyes.

"I hate you."


"Because you make me cry!" I kiss him and he wipes away my tears.

"I promise to be a good father and a good husband."

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