Chapter 31

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A few minutes later...

"Do you want to take a shower or a bath?"

"Why do you pretend you care about me?"

"I'm not pretending." He says as he turns on the water in the bathtub.

"What are you doing here, Hardin?"

"I came to see you. And to talk about everything. It's our baby in the end..."

"Now it's our baby?"

"Yes. It is our baby and I will love him or her with everything I have."

"I don't think you will be here."

"Yes, I will."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because I love you and I'm coming back. We're going to have a family, baby."

"You don't have to do this just because there's a baby in the game. I can do this on my own."

"I know you can, but you don't have to do this all by yourself. I love you."

We stay in silence until the tub is filled. Then he helps me to take off my clothes and I get in the water. I appreciate he doesn't come in. He takes the loofah and he squirts some shower gel on it, then he gently starts to clean my body. It's relaxing. Fifteen minutes later, he helps me to get out of the bath and we go in the bedroom where he helps me to get dressed. We lay on the bed and he has his hand on my belly.

"We can't do this anymore."

"What are you talking about, Tess?"

"We can't be together while we are on different continents."

"We won't do that. I said I'm coming back. Screw the studies, you are more important."

"No, I don't want you to regret it later. You don't have to sacrifice your career for me."

"But we're have a baby! And I did this before. Because I love you."

"And you don't have to do it again. Let's... let's have a break until you finish your studies."

"You must be kidding, Tess!"

"I'm not kidding. It's just for a few months."

"And you really think I'm going to stay miles away from you when you are carrying my baby?"

"We really need a break, Hardin. I need a break."

"And you take my chance being with you in this period?"

"We have to be apart. I know it sounds insane, but I really need space. I have to know what I'm going to do."

"What do you mean? You want to abort the baby?"

"No, fuck, no! I just want to know what to do with my life. I'm only twenty and I'm having a baby. I have to take a break from college and I have to work to make a future for my baby."

"You are not the only one who's having a baby at this age. And you don't need to work."

"I'm not having a conversation about it! I'm an independent woman, I'm healthy and I can do everything on my own. So, let's have a break. We can talk like two friends and you as the father of my baby. If you really love me, please, give me some space. And if everything goes well after this break, I promise to do everything you want when you will be back."

"Including marrying me?"



A few weeks later...

It's been a few weeks since me and Hardin meet last time. In this last weeks, we talked a lot. About us and about our baby. I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant and I'm feeling better. The morning sickness is almost gone.

Hardin is still mad at me for wanting this break. I know this because sometimes when we talk, he talks with me like I'm a toy, not the woman who will give him a child. And after I hear his tone, I end the call, but minutes later, he calls me back and he says sorry for what he said.

I'm still thinking about his question. I'm good now and I think I will be able to let him back in my life. He wants to marry me. But what I want?

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by a knock at the door.



"Someone is looking for you."


"Her name is Kim Vance. Do you know her?"

"Uh, personally not. But I suppose she's Christian's Vance wife. Can you lead her here, please?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you, Ana." She gets out and a few moments later, Kim come inside.

"Hi, Tessa. Thank you so much for wanting to see me. I'm Kim. Christian's wife, he was your teacher in college. I'm sorry for bothering you at work, but I need your help."

"How can I help you?"

"Well... I'm desperate. I don't know what to do. Christian told me no to do this, but I have to if I want him to live. He needs a kidney."

"Okay, I don't want to be rude, but how can I help you with this problem?"

"Well, Christian is Hardin's father."

"Uhm what? Shit. And what do you want me to do?" I let one hand on my bump and my mind goes to Hardin.

"I need you to convince Hardin to do a blood test to see if he's compatible with Christian. He needs to save his life!"

"Me and Hardin have a really complicated relationship and I can't do anything. He's not even in the US. I'm sorry, Kim."

"Please, Tessa. I'm beginning you! I wouldn't do this if I would you he will live. But I can't. I don't want to lose him. Please... try to talk with Hardin."

"I will try to talk with him, but I can't promise anything. These news will be awful for Hardin."

"Thank you, Tess. Please, call me if you talk with him." She hands me a card. "Thank you!" She says and she leaves.

These news about Hardin are really unexpected. I have no idea how I'm going to spill the tea to him. He always thought that Ken was his father, but what if Kim is not right? I only have to talk with him and Trish.

"Tessa?" She comes in my office. "Everything is good?"

"Uhmm... yes. No?"

"What happened? What that woman wanted from you?"

"I just found out something about Hardin and I have no idea how I'm going to tell him."

"What happened? Is everything alright with your pregnancy?" She sits on the chair in front of my office.

"Yeah, everything is alright. This is about his dad."

"What happened?"

"Well... I just found out Ken is not his father. Christian Vance is."

"Holy shit..."

"Yeah... His wife was here to get my help. I need to tell Hardin. Christian is in kidney failure and he needs a transplant. And if Hardin is his son, it's his only chance. How I can tell him this? Especially when he is in London?"


"Yeah, it's easy to say. Hardin takes these kind of news really bad. But I will try to take it easy when I arrive home."

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