Chapter 16

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When I go back to Trish, I find her doing the dishes.

"Oh, no. Let me do this. You are a guest, Trish."

"It's just a plate, darling. I'm good."

"I just talked with Hardin. We can go and see him."

"Can you take me to the hospital now, please?"

"Of course, I can! Just let me change."


I go back to change my clothes, then we go to my car. I'm curious about what Hardin told her.

"May I ask you something?"


"He told you everything? About us?"

"Yes. I know you are his student and even if he tried to not fall in love with you... it wasn't possible. I know how much he loves you. And you seem a really nice girl."

"Thank you." I smile.

We arrive at the hospital and I tell her where to go.

"You are not coming?"


"Why not? I'm sure Hardin wants to see you."

"It's not about Hardin. His father doesn't like me. He said I'm guilty for Trevor's death. And in addition he is or was with my mother."

"I don't give a fuck about this. You are my son's girlfriend and you have the right to see him. So, come on."

"Ok, ok."

We get out of the care and we walk inside the hospital. We go to Hardin's room and outside we find Ken with Christian Grey.

Ken: "What are you doing here?" He says looking at me.

Trish: "She came to see her boyfriend, Ken."

Ken: "I don't want her around my son! One of my sons died because of her, I don't want to lose him too."

Trish: "You can't say this. She didn't do anything wrong."

Ken: "If she doesn't leave, I will call the security."

Trish: "No, she's staying. Hardin is my son too. And in the end, he decides who stays and who leaves. Let's see Hardin, Tessa." She takes my hand and we get inside Hardin's room. He instantly smiles when he sees us. "What a kind reaction of a son who missed his mom." She walk to him and she kisses his forehead.

Hardin: "What are you doing here, mom?"

Trish: "What do you mean, honey? How would you think I won't be here while you were shot by a psycho? In addition, it was a good opportunity to meet your lovely girlfriend. I like her so much." She whispers to him, but I can still hear it and I giggle.

Hardin: "Come here, baby."

Tessa: "I'm good here."

Hardin: "Come, I missed you. I want to kiss you." I walk to him and I let him kiss me. "Mom, I'm hungry. Can you go and buy me something to eat? The food they gave me here is not that good."

Trish: "Of course, hun." She kisses his cheek.

Tessa: "But I can go and bring you some food."

Hardin: "No, you are staying here."

Trish: "Stay with him, darling. I know exactly what he wants. See you later!" She says and she leaves.

"She's in love with you."

"She's the sweetest woman in the world."

"Like me, of course!"

"Why you never told me that Trevor is... was only your half brother?"

"Because it wasn't relevant. Now, let's not talk about dead people."

"Alright. Do you have any idea where I could find an affordable apartment like a studio? I don't want to go back home. My mother hates me to the bones."

"Are you kidding, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're staying in my apartment."

"No, we can't do this, Hardin."

"Yes, we can. You are my girlfriend and I want you there."

"What if someone will catch us together?"

"They won't. Anyway, I want to quit my job."

"What?! No! You can't do this for me, Hardin!"

"I'm not doing this for you. I mean, I'm not doing this only for you. I figured out that teaching is not what I want. It was my father's wish. But now I want to quit, so I can work in a publishing house. And maybe someday, I will have my own publishing and maybe a few published books. I wanted to do this for a long time, but I wasn't brave enough. But now... now everything is different. As soon as I'm out, I will quit and we will stop hiding."

"You are so sweet. You never told me about your passion on writing."

"It was a hidden hobby for me, but now... I will start doing what I like."

"You have no idea how much I love you." I rub his cheek.

"And I love you." He kisses me.

A few days later...

Me and Trish are having breakfast together before we're going to visit Hardin. And I want to share the news about Hardin.

"Hardin wants to quit his job as a teacher. He told me that this job is not what he wants. But I have a feeling that in a way, he's doing this for me too. But I don't want to regret his decision later."

"Tessa... I know my son very well and I can tell you he's doing it for himself and for you. He's so in love with you, so he wants what's the best for both of you. You are a blessing in our life. You mad Hardin to be a better person and I'm so grateful for this. He has a past back home and I can see how much he changed, especially in the last months since he knows you. His relationship with Jules... Oh, shit. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry."

"I know about Jules, not everything, but I know just a little part of this story."

"Oh, wow. Hardin is impressing me everyday." I smile. "When he told you?"

"A few weeks ago. He was forced by the circumstances to give me some details. I saw him with Jules and I was jealous. Now... shall we go? I'm sure he's waiting for us."



We arrive at the hospital and I have a bad feeling. We hear some noises from Hardin's room and when we want to get inside, a nurse comes out.

Nurse: "I'm sorry, you can't go inside."

Tessa: "Huh? What's happening? Why we can't go inside?"

Trish: "What's wrong with my son?!"

Nurse: "He has a blood clot in his chest and we're taking him to the OR."

Tessa: "No!" 

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