Chapter 6

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I walk with Hardin in his office and he closes the door after us.

"What is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean, professor?"

"Tess... Stop playing with me?"

"I'm not playing, Hardin. What did I do? Why I am in your office?"

"Are you asking what you did?!" He raised his voice.

"Mr. Scott, lower your voice or you colleagues will think that you're abusing me."

"Fuck off with professor and Mr. Scott. Who sent you flowers? And why the fuck were you talking with Trevor?"

"It's not a good place to talk about this. Have a good day!" I turn around and I want to walk out, but he grabs my wrist, stopping me.

"You're not going anywhere until we talk."

"As I said, this is not a good place to talk about our problems."

"Then let's go to my place!"

"I can't. I have something else to do."

"Tessa... if you leave now..."

"What? You are the jealous one, not me. Call me when this jealousy is gone. See you!" I say and I leave.

I go to the parking lot, I get in my car and I drive home. As I arrive home, I go in the kitchen where I find my mum.


"Hi Theresa. How was your day?"

"I had better days, but it was ok. What we have to eat?"

"Pastas from yesterday. I didn't have time to cook something else."

"Oh, ok. Then I'll just order something."

"Why you just can't eat that fucking meal from yesterday?"

"Because you are free all day long and you have to prepare something to eat! What the fuck is wrong with all of you, today?!"

I sigh and I leave upstairs, in my room. Today is a bad day for everyone? Hardin is mad, mom is mad. I'm sure that if I'll talk with dad and Nora, they will be mad too. I take my phone and I call Nora. It's time to try my luck with her.

Phone call


"Hi. What do you want?" She's pissed. Great.

"Oh... I see. There is something in the air. Everyone is in a bad mood."

"I'm sorry. I had a shitty day."

"What happened?"

"I'm on my period and I had a fight with Landon."

"Something is wrong with everyone around me."

"What do you mean?"

"You are mad, mom is mad, Hardin was mad..."

"Oh... What did he do?"

"Nothing. He's just jealous. I received yesterday some flower and I thought he sent it, but Trevor was behind all of this. But Hardin doesn't know yet. If he will find out... I don't want to know what will happen with Trevor."


"He's really different when he's jealous and I don't like this side."

After a few more minutes on the call with Nora, we finish the call and I check my social media until I'm interrupted by a surprise call. Hardin.

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