Chapter 45/Epilogue

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The miscarriage from a few weeks ago was harsh for both of us. We both wanted that baby, but maybe it wasn't meant to have another child in that moment and neither to get married in Vegas. To forget about everything, I decided to quit my job at Seattle Independence Press and to work with Hardin. And it was a good decision. For Hardin, because I'm always next to him and he can make me stop work.

"Baby!" He walks in my office.

"I have to work, Hardin."

"No, you worked enough today. Let's go home."

"Can I know why?"

"I have a surprise for you, so, let's go."

"What surprise?"

"It's not a surprise if I tell you. C'mon!"

"I can't leave. I still have work to do."

"I'm your boss in a way or another and I can tell you that you can leave." He gives me his hand.

"You owe me." I stand up.

"Oh, love. It's not the first time when I owe you." He smirks as he takes my bag, then we leave to his car.

"So? Where are we going?"


"And you couldn't wait for another two hours?"

"No." He puts his hand on my tight and he moves it up under my dress.

"Hardin... watch the road."

"I am. I just want you to relax."

After a 30 minutes drive, we finally arrive home. As we get inside, I don't see Trish or Emery inside.

"Where is Emery?"

"She's with mom, don't worry about her."

"Why not?"

"We're going in a holiday."

"Oh, no."

"Yes. Go pack your bag. You worked to hard in the last weeks and you need a break from everything. So, we're going in a trip with Ana and Christian."

"No way! Where??"

"In Greece. Go get ready or else we're going to lose our flight."

"We don't have time for a holiday,"

"Yes, we do... So, go and pack your sexiest swimsuits and clothes and we will be leaving tonight."

"And Emery?"

"She's in good hands with my mother, okay? Even if sometimes I feel like she loves my mother more than us." WE both laugh.

"I love you." I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you." He kisses me. "Go and get ready!"

I quickly go in our bedroom where I find Hardin's bag packed, so I start to pack mine. I add inside my swimsuit and summer clothes, shoes and other things we will need in this holiday. He is right. Since I'm working with him, I worked a little bit too hard and we really need this break.

A few hours later...

Tessa: "This place is really beautiful." I say as I enter in our villa from Greece.

Ana: "It really is."

Hardin: "Well, we'll see you at dinner, guys!"

Christian: "See you later."

Hardin: "Let's go upstairs, love." He takes my hand and we walk upstairs. I'm shocked when I see the decorations in our bedroom. On the wall are some balloons with a message Will you marry me?.

"Hardin? What is this?"

"Uhm... I know I proposed you before, but I want to do this again. But this time, I want to marry you legally."


"We're going to get married here, in Greece. I know you didn't want a big wedding and we even planned to get married in Vegas, but... I think Greece is also perfect for us. So? What do you say?"

"Yes! I do want to marry you!" I jump in his arms and I kiss him. "When?"


"No way! And why you didn't tell me?"

"It was a surprise. But don't worry. Me and Ana figured everything out. She brought a dress for you."

"Oh, god! I have to get ready!"

"You are really excited."

"I really am! I'm going to marry the love of my life." I look into his eyes. "I love you."

"And I love you, Tess."

A few hours later...

"Tessa? Are you ready?"

"Yes! You can come in." I say and Ana comes in the room. "How do I look?" I'm wearing a white beach dress, perfect for a beach wedding. My hair in in a messy, but elegant bun and I have some light make-up on my face.

"You are really beautiful, Tessa."

"Thank you."

"Are you ready? Because Hardin is really excited to marry you."

"Me too!" I smile as we walk out of the house, in the back yard which leads to the beach, where our men are waiting for us.

Hardin: "You are gorgeous, love."

Tessa: "Thank you. You look handsome." I smile.

The officiant: "We are here together to tie the destinies of these two people, Hardin and Tessa. A strong couple who had a lot of obstacles in their relationship, but now, they are here, ready to become husband and wife. Ready to be together for the rest of their lives. Hardin, you can start with your vows."

Hardin: "From the first I saw you in that pub, I knew you are the one. When you sat next to me, I imagined us in the future. Getting married, having kids and growing old together. And here we are. We are finally happy and we're having our special day. I have no idea what I would do without you, but I want to say that you saved me from everything and I will be thankful all my life for having you in my life. I promise to always be by your side." I can spot some tears in his eyes, but he's too strong to let them out.

The officiant: "Tessa, your turn."

Tessa: "Everything started as an affair. I wanted some attention and you gave it to me, but I felt in love with you and I couldn't get away from you. I know we've been through a lot together, but now, we're getting our happy ending. We had a lot of obstacles in our relationship, but our loves was stronger than anything. We fought with everyone around us and here we are today, getting married. We have a beautiful daughter together and it's all I could ever wish. I promise to be with you until the day I die and even after that."

The officiant: "Hardin, repeat after me. I, Hardin Scott, take you Tessa Young to be my wife for the rest of our lives and to be honest with you."

Hardin: "I, Hardin Scott, take you Tessa Young to be my wife for the rest of our lives and to be honest with you."

The Officiant: "Tessa, your turn, I, Tessa Young, take you Hardin Scott to be my husband for the rest of our lives and to be honest with you."

Tessa: "I, Tessa Young, take you Hardin Scott to be my husband for the rest of our lives and to be honest with you."

The officiant: "I pronounce you, husband and wife. Congratulations! You can kiss the bride."

Hardin drags me to him and he kisses me. Our first kiss as a married couple. I can't believe we did this. We're having our happy ending and we're happier than ever. I'm a lucky woman to have a husband like Hardin. I can't wait to see what the life has planned for us in the future.

The end.

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