it's only a matter of time before i touch her

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jiang rui was stunned at first, then her pupils trembled slightly and her eyes were filled with panic.

He would kiss her cheeks, her forehead, and the back of her fingers, but he would never kiss her lips! but at this moment, his lips were pressed against the corner of her lips!

jiang rui pushed him hard, but she only managed to push his lips away a little.

He was still holding her tightly.

He looked at her and said in a serious tone,”you understand, right?”

then, he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her down.

her lips immediately pressed against his.

how could jiang rui compare to jiang cheng’s strength? he kissed her, and she struggled, but no matter how hard she struggled, it was useless. instead, it made him kiss deeper and deeper.

a long time passed. perhaps she was tired of struggling, or perhaps qianqian didn’t want to struggle anymore, but jiang rui didn’t move and allowed him to kiss her.

Her tears flowed down unconsciously.

She didn’t know why she was crying. She just wanted to cry, and the more she cried, the harder she cried.

She was panicking and confused.

Her tears fell on Jiang Cheng’s face before he came back to his senses and let her go.

Jiang Rui pushed him away and stood up in a panic.

She raised her hand, but she couldn’t slap him. In the end, she could only cry.”you pretended to be drunk to lie to me! You’re my brother, how can you do this to me!”

She cried and was about to run out of his courtyard when she turned around and saw a shocked person standing at the door.

it was jiang qing and kong xiangxiang.

kong xiangxiang’s face was filled with anger. if jiang qing had not pulled her back, she would have rushed in.

jiang rui was stunned on the spot,”mommy, daddy!”

she was at a loss.

jiang cheng stood up from the sofa and walked over to hold her hand. he lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.”jiang rui ‘er, you go back first.”

he actually kissed her in front of her parents!

Jiang Rui pushed him away.

The shocked Kong Xiangxiang finally returned to her senses and broke free of Jiang Qing’s hand. She walked in quickly with an angry face and raised her hand to give Jiang Cheng a slap.

the force was a little harsh. jiang cheng’s head tilted to the side, and blood came out of the corner of his lips.


seeing that kong xiangxiang was about to slap her a second time, jiang rui quickly stepped forward and stopped her. ” ” mom, don’t hit my brother, don’t hit him. it’s me, it’s my fault. i seduced him. i can’t bear to give up the jiang family’s glory and wealth. i don’t want to leave the jiang family, so i seduced him, so i seduced him, so i seduced him. ”

“Jiang Rui, do you think I don’t have eyes and can’t see for myself?” kong xiangxiang interrupted her angrily.

“You’re still protecting him? you’re his sister, but look at what he’s done! my rui ‘er has never suffered such grievances in her life!”

Kong Xiangxiang’s eyes turned red as she spoke. She went forward and pulled Jiang Rui.”Tell me the truth, did he bully you before? Did he bully you?”

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