Chapter Twenty- Four: Cristiano's Birthday

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"Let's go see papa," Lilliana smiled as she lifted her daughter out of the crib and mover back to her bedroom where Cristiano was still asleep.

Lilliana smiled as she sat down next to her husband and set their daughter on his chest before kissing his cheek softly.

"Happy birthday papa," Lilliana whispered making the footballer open his eyes and look at his wife and daughter with a smile on his face.

"Gracias," Cristiano smiled as he kissed his wife softly and his daughters head before taking out his phone and taking a picture for his Instagram; people seem to be loving that lately.

"Do you have training this morning?" Lilliana asked making Cristiano nod as he kissed her lips again while Hope dribbled on his chest and patted his shoulders with a grin on her face.

Cristiano smiled at his little girl and kissed her forehead. He loved her so much and he knew he'd do anything to protect her no matter how old he was.


Lilliana smiled as she finished setting up the table with loads of cakes and sweets on it for Cristiano's surprise party.

Lilliana had wanted to give him a surprise party last year but they weren't public yet and she knew Cristiano would prefer it with Hope around.

"Okay, Sergio has just texted and he's on his way with Cristiano," Clarissa said making Lilliana nod as everyone got in position and Lilliana took her daughter and stood in the hall as Cristiano walked on.

"Hola, why are you so dressed up?" Cristiano asked wondering if he had forgotten something; it was his birthday and they didn't have anything planned.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled making Cristiano look around with a little smile on his face before Hope's lip started to quiver and she started to cry.

"Oh no," Cristiano cooed as he took his daughter and kissed his wife before walking around and talking to a few people while comforting his upset daughter.

Lilliana smiled watching her husband talking to a few old family friends and showing off their daughter proudly and his wife too.


"He's so happy with you two," Elma smiled as she walked up next to Lilliana and Hope while Cristiano stupidly sang and danced with the other men.

"I'm happy with him," Lilliana smiled as she looked over at Cristiano before looking back at Elma while shifting Hope to make the little girl more comfortable as she started to fall asleep.

"You make him so happy and we can't thank you enough for doing that," Elma said making Lilliana smile as the Portuguese hugged her and Hope.

"Don't get all sappy, this is supposed to be a happy time," Lilliana smiled as Hope started to get fidgety meaning it was her time for a feed.

Lilliana excused herself and walked upstairs so she could feed her daughter in their bedroom so they could have privacy.

Lilliana lay back against the pillows and started breast feeding her daughter before Cristiano stepped into the room and smiled at his wife before he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you so much for today. You really didn't have too," Cristiano said as he leant forward and kissed her softly before looking down at his daughter.

"Did you help mama?" Cristiano mused as his little girl looked up at him with her big brown eyes.

"I love you both so much," Cristiano whispered as he kissed his wife again. He allowed her to finished up before he took Hope and started to wind her.

"We love you too," Lilliana smiled as she kissed Cristiano before he got up and started walking around with his daughter and patting her back softly.


Cristiano smiled as he closed the bedroom door and took off his tracksuit pants. It had been a long but fun day and he wanted to spend some time with his wife.

"So did you have fun?" Lilliana asked as she opened the bathroom door slightly while watching her husband sit on the bed watching her.

"I did, what are you up to?" Cristiano asked making Lilliana smile as she stepped out in her red slip she had bought from Victoria's Secret.

"Just wishing you a happy birthday," Lilliana smiled as she walked over and stood in between Cristiano's legs while holding on to her waist.

"And what a happy birthday it is," Cristiano whispered as he kissed her lips and pulled her on to the bed; he couldn't think of a better way to finish his amazing birthday.

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