Chapter Forty: Welcome To The World

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Lilliana took a deep breath as she sat down on the couch. Hope was upstairs asleep and Cristiano would be home any minute and their baby boy was due any day now.

"Are you still pregnant?" Cristiano teased as he walked into the house and closed the door before walking into the living room and smiling at his wife.

"Unfortunately yes," Lilliana murmured as she rubbed her hands over her bump while Cristiano  sat down next to her and kissed her softly.

"He'll be here soon amor," Cristiano smiled as he kissed his wife before moving to make lunch for the two of them.

Lilliana closed her eyes as she heard Hope yelling for someone to get her up from her nap.

"I'll get her," Cristiano said while noticing that his wife was about to push herself to her feet.

"Papa," Hope smiled making Lilliana grin as she listened to them over the baby monitor. She loved seeing them together and she knew Cristiano would be just as amazing with the baby she was carrying.

"Mama," Hope smiled as her father let her down on the couch. The one year old cuddled into her mothers side and rested her head on her mothers stomach.

Hope knew that she had to be careful around her mother know that her mother was so far into her pregnancy.


Cristiano sighed as he finished up his phone meeting in his home office. He hated meetings while his fiancée was so heavily pregnant downstairs but he didn't have a choice.

"Papa! Mama need you," Hope said as she ran up the stairs meeting her father who picked her up and brought her back down.

Cristiano set his daughter in the living room before rushing into the kitchen where he saw his wife clutching the counter top in pain.

"He's coming," Lilliana groaned as she rested her hand underneath her bump as a contraction built up causing the blonde to stop and squeeze her eyes shut.

Cristiano quickly dialled Sergio's number on their home phone while rubbing his wife's back as she rested her head on her forearm that was on the counter.

Cristiano almost cried in relief when Sergio said they'd be there soon; there was nobody else available and he didn't want their daughter watching this.


"Amor you're doing so well," Cristiano whispered as he held his wife's hand. She had been in labour for two hours and was already four centimetres dilated.

Lilliana took another deep breath as she held the gas and air to her mouth. She was so glad Cristiano could be here instead of off playing a match.

Lilliana nodded as she held his hand in hers. She couldn't wait for her baby boy to arrive and she hoped that it wouldn't be long.

"How's Hope?" Lilliana asked making her husband chuckle as he kissed her softly. He was sure she had something else to be worrying about at that moment.

"She's fine at home with Sergio and Clarissa... she had dinner about an hour ago and they'll be settling her down soon," Cristiano said making his wife nod as another contraction built up and she inhaled more gas and air.

"No more babies," Lilliana breathed making her husband nod as he kissed the top of her head and wiped her sweaty forehead with a towel.

"No more babies," Cristiano promised as her got the cup of water from beside her bed. He knew their little boy would be with them soon and he couldn't wait to meet him.


"Where mama and papa?" Hope asked as she looked up at her uncle with her brown eyes shining with tears.

She hadn't seen either of her parents in awhile and she was starting to get afraid; she thought they didn't love her anymore.

"They're in hospital... Mamas about to get your baby brother," Sergio smiled as he lifted her up and rested her on his hip.

He knew she was upset about her parents not being here but he was sure she'd love the surprise she'd get when she goes to the hospital tomorrow.

"Now, I think it's bedtime," Sergio said softly as he walked towards the stairs with Hope. Clarissa was already up there settling Gerard down and they'd be able to relax after that.

"I wove you uncwe Sese," Hope said softly as she hugged her uncle tightly before he set her in her crib and cuddled her in with her teddy and blanket.

"I love you too," Sergio smiled as he flicked on her nightlight before leaving the room and meeting up with his fiancée.

"She's such a sweet little girl," Clarissa mused as she looked at Sergio who nodded as they made their way downstairs.

He couldn't wait to meet the newest Ronaldo and he was sure he'd take after Cristiano just like Hope did.


"I don't want to push," Lilliana groaned as they started setting up for the birth. It was four in the morning and she wanted to do nothing else but sleep next to her husband.

"Come on amor... he'll be here sooner if you start pushing now," Cristiano murmured as he kissed his wife. They were both tired but Cristiano had refused to leave her side.

"Alright Lilliana, push," The midwife said making the blonde groan as she held her husbands hand and started pushing.

"This is all your fault," Lilliana said through gritted teeth as she glared at her husband who swallowed and nodded as she started pushing again.

Even after watching the birth of his daughter he was still shocked at the mess that was made during birth.

"One more, he's almost here," the doctor said making Cristiano grin softly at the thought of his little boy being moments away from meeting his parents.

Lilliana let out a scream as she pushed for the last time. She never wanted to push a baby out again and she was happy with just two of them.

Cristiano smiled as kissed his wife as their baby started screaming; they both couldn't believe he was finally here with them.

"Congratulations," the midwife smiled as she handed the parents their clean baby; he was beautiful and everyone would love him.

"Hola," Lilliana whispered softly as she kissed her sons forehead before taking her phone and sending everyone a text.

'James Matías- Jose Ronaldo was born on the 7th of March 2017 at 4:05 am. He's healthy and weighed 5lbs and 2oz'

Cristiano smiled as he took his son from his wife and kissed her softly. He knew she didn't have long left and he wanted her to rest.

"He's beautiful," Cristiano whispered as he kissed his sons forehead and smiled at Lilliana who was grinning up at the two of them.

"Just like his papa," Lilliana said before she yawned and looked up at her husband again.

"Sleep mi amor," Cristiano whispered as he kissed her softly and looked back down at his son. She needed sleep and Cristiano would be fine with James.

He set the little boy on his chest facing away from the camera as Cristiano took his phone out before snapping an Instagram picture of their hands.

'Minha mais nova vida e amor'

The Flight AttendantOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora