Chapter 8

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I stare at the demon that is my reflection. I look more like the demon than the demon looks like himself. I have cuts, bruises and blood everywhere. My hair is a tangled mop on my head and my eyes are bloodshot.

All I want to do is break down and cry. However, after years of torture if there is one thing that I have learnt is crying is a sign of weakness. I am not weak.

Splashing water on my face I rub the blood and scrub away sweat with a facial wash that I found in the drawer. Next I brush the mop on my head, which takes me ten minutes. Quickly I throw my hair into a high ponytail. After that I brush my teeth with a new toothbrush that I found. I don't know whose it is so I leave £2.00 in it's place. I inspect myself in the mirror and I look human again.

Cautiously I unlock the door and spot Caleb leaning against the wall. Gosh! He looks like a model. I begin walking towards him and find his green eyes locked into my blue ones.
"Thought you weren't coming out," he sarcastically laughs.
"I am not in the mood for this! You tell me who you are right now!" I scream like a child. He looks as though he is contemplating whether to tell me or not.
"Caleb Hart," he grumbles.
"Why do you want me?" I ask harshly.
"Are you a stupid idiot or can you not piece together a simple puzzle!" he snaps back.
Whoa this elevated fast.
"Are you bipolar?" I ask quickly.
He laughs a real hearty laugh and says "No,"
"What do I do?" I ask.
"Only time will tell," he chuckles.
"But you already know so you just tell," I beg childishly.

He leads me back to the room where I have been held captive for so long. I don't know what I am anymore. I feel like a fugitive. Maybe I am.
"You need to know things from me... And I need to know things from you," Caleb says slowly. "I will ask you one question and you will ask me one and we have to answer truthfully."
I nod slowly.

"Why did you kidnap me?" I question quizzically.
"Do you have to ask that?" he snaps.
"It is your game and yes," I counter.
"Fine, the truth is I need your help. I won't hurt you. It is just that your an innocent. The only person that could help us. But I am waiting... For you to trust me. Then we will start our work." he exasperately sighs.

That is good enough for me. It is more information than I started with so I will take what I can get.

"Tell me about your past." he quietly whispers. I look at him bewildered, I don't really want to take a trip down memory lane but it is only fair that I do.

"It is a long story," I mutter.
"I have time," he comforts.

"I had a perfect life. But my mother died... Of blood cancer. My father - uh - he became quite abusive. He would beat me up everyday. I've still got scars on my back from his knive. I endured it for three years. Then when I was 10 I was put in an orphanage. The kids hated me, except maybe - what was his name - I don't remember. They tortured me aswell. Then I was adopted by the king and queen but I have still got these hateful memories that can't ever be undone." My voice becomes unsteady but I have to carry on.
"They say time is supposed to heal you but I haven't done much healing."

I can't go on because my voice is wavering and I don't want to cry.

"Your safe now... Forever," he puts his hands on my head and I let him because I don't know what else to do.

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