Texting And Emotional Distress!!...........

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*then the guys come running up to ray ray…………….*

Roc: “hey ray! Where‘s Tamara going?”

Ray Ray: “she had to go!” *smiling*

Roc: “then why are you smiling?”

Prodgiy: “ray! Who was that? And how did she do that trick?”

Ray Ray: “she just did!” *smiling*

Princeton: “ray! Where are your Vans gone?”

Ray Ray: “they are on my feet!!” *pointing to them!!*

Prodigy: “no the ones you had in the box?!” *confused*

Ray Ray: “oh! Tamara has them!!” *grinning*

Princeton: *smiles* “so that‘s her name!! and you just gave them to her like that?”

Ray Ray: “I bet my Vans she couldn’t do that trick! And a deal was a deal!”

Prodigy: “but they are Vans! Your favourite!”

Ray Ray: “I know but they were too small for me and just her size!!”

*then they walked near the entrance when Keisha called:*

Keisha: “BOYS! GET ON THE TOUR BUS IT‘S GOING TO RAIN!!” *then they boys ran to and in the bus but Princeton stood there*

Princeton: “BUT THE SUN‘S OUT!! IT‘S NOT GONNA RAIN!” *starts raining hard!*

*then Princeton ran in the tour bus soaking wet…….*

Keisha: *shaking her head* “boy! You never listen!”

Princeton: “imma go change!” *goes to the bathroom*

Prodigy: “I‘m Hungry! Keisha we got any chicken?” *walking towards the mini fridge!*

Keisha: “boy! That‘s all you ever eat! In the top at the back” *prodigy gets the chicken and heats it up*

Roc: “I‘m gonna watch some cartoons!” *walking over to the TV!!*

Ray Ray: “imma……… go sleep..” *heading towards the bunks!*

Keisha: “aye *looks at prod and roc* wassup with ray!”

Prod&Roc: “uhhno” *shrugging their shoulders*

Keisha: “anyway! Don‘t bother me! I‘m very busy!” “walking to mini office the had at the back of the bus”

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