How Is Tamara Doin ????????????

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*before roc, prod, Keisha or walter could catch him ray ray flewwww over to Princeton and floored him and started punching him in the stomach and kicking him, while walter roc and prodigy were TRYING! To get ray ray off him (ray rat has become really strong, it’s the 8 pack :D)*

*they finaly got ray ray off Princeton… but Princeton was left injured he had like 3 burises, one black eye and a really bad stomach ache…….*

Kesha: “Princeton! I‘m sorry but someone had to say it! U deserved that! What has ray ray ever done to you? You have just ruined his relationship! And god knows what happen to Tamara!”

Princeton: *laughs* “actually he did that! He broke up with her an plus she shouldn‘t have walked away from me when I talking to her falling on her was an accident! But I‘m not saying I didn’t enjoy it! Besides hurting her.”

Keisha: *about to speak when the doctor came in*

Doctor: “is anyone here for a miss *looks at his clip board* Tamara Murphy?” *looks up as they all stand up* “oh! You all are um well which one of you is Keisha Gamble?” 

Keisha: “I‘m Keisha!” *walks over to her*

Doctor: “ahhh alright! Are you Tamara‘s mother!?” *looking at her*

Keisha: “oh no! um her…….her mother died! A few weeks ago…” *looking away*

Doctor: “oh I am so sorry so are you her sister, auntie, cousin” *looks at Keisha*

Keisha: “um no maam I‘m her manager! But I could call her auntie and….”

Doctor: “oh right ok! And no need we have contacted her auntie and she is aware of it I was asking you just to check! Her auntie said you are her guardian for the next 2-3 months is that correct?” *flipping through his clipboard*

Keisha: “yeah that’s right!”

Doctor: “right ok!” *writs something down* “and um Miss Gamble how did this happen exactly ?”

Keisha: “oh well she was talking to one of the boys who was in his bunk, in our tour bus and he grabbed her when she was going to walk away and fell out his bunk and fell on top of her!” *watching as the doctor writes this down*

Doctor: “right ok and was it Raquan! Whom fell on top of her?” 

Keisha: “um no raquan is her boyfriend but it was Jacob! Who fell on top of her” *points to Princeton*

Doctor: “ahh I see!” *looks at Princeton* “I do remember Tamara mentioning this to me!” *now looking at ray ray*

Keisha: “she told you the story?” *looks at ray ray, then at the doctor..*

Doctor: “yes I just spoke to her! And I just wanted to check with you to make sure!”

Keisha: “ahh right ok well will she be ok? Is she ok”

Doctor: *sighs* “she is fine whether her leg isn’t! when this young man fell on her she was obviously the first to hit the fell causing her to fall on the floor with her leg in a very uncomfortable position then with him falling on it had moved slightly out of place and she also mentioned that raquan *nods towards ray ray* had pulled her up on her leg when she had told him she was in pain and that she had hurt her leg!?”

Keisha: “he did what!” *head shots towards ray ray in anger and dissapointment*

Doctor: “I‘m guessing you didn‘t know that!”

Keisha: “no I didn‘t! I had no idea that….”

Doctor: “it is fine! Now Tamara will have to rest her leg for a few days and it will be in a cast for about 6 weeks or so”

Keisha: “what why?!” *staring at the doctor*

Doctor: “well Tamara left leg is broken (fractured)! Maam so it will need time to heal”

Keisha: “broken!” *shocked*

Doctor: “yes well it was because of the postion it was in plus that young man falling from the top bunk quite I distance and Tamara also mentioned she told the biy she was inn pain but he wounldn‘t burge then she got quite angry saying that her boyfriend had broke up with her…”

Keisha: “will she be able to walk?” *pacing*

Doctor: “of course just make sure she does get rest!”

Walter: *sighs, looks from prince to ray ray shaking his head in shame then stood up and walked over to the doctor and Keisha!* “may we see her?”

Doctor: “are you Tamara‘s father?” *looking at walter*

Walter: “no maam! I‘m also her manger! Her father…he left her and her family when she was born”

Doctor: “poor girl lost her mother doesn‘t know her father, just got dumped and her leg is broken!”

Walter: “we know! May we see her?”

Doctor: “oh yes of course! She is just getting the cast put on! If you‘ll all follow me!” *they all follow the doctor and she leads them into Tamara‘s room 246!*

................................................... (to be continued 2 commets for more)

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