Will My Auntie Let Me Go On Tour.............?

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Tamara’s POV: “so anyway OMFG!! Is this really happening? Keisha Gamble just asked me to go on tour with Mindless Behavior ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and ray ray!! :D he‘s sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute :) he took my shoe? Lool so cute and even though we were fighting Hershey’s he still gave me some! :D just love him and he’s really sweet! He helped me and he really been there for me…when my mum died! After Keisha told me it was getting late after I showed them my dances I had to go home and Keisha and ray ray offered to drop me home to speak to my auntie about the tour but I can tell she won’t say yes we got to my house and went inside and we were sitting down about to talk about it…………… (end of POV)

Denise: “so Keisha it‘s nice to meet you are you ray ray‘s mother?”

Keisha: “ha um *looks at Tamara* no I‘m ray ray‘s managaer!” *smiling*

Tamara: *Denise looks at her* “well….ray ray is from my favourite band!”

Denise: “wait! You mean raquan is ray ray from Mindless Behavior?”

Tamara: “yup!” *smiling at ray ray!*

Denise: “I thought he looked familiar! Why didn‘t you guys tell me?!”

Tamara: “well it never really came into our conversations and I thought u would have figured it out!”

Denise: “I……….woow! ha” *shocked but smiling*

Ray Ray: “wait wait so u never knew?! Denise all this time I thought u did!” *smiling, confused*

Keisha: “ha denise are you not familiar with the group!!”

Denise: “no no! course I am! I know who Mindless Behavior are! My niece love s them *looks at Tamara* But I haven‘t really seen their faces much I thought I recongized him but just didn’t say anything, I have had a lot on my mind lately :P plus Tamara has been to all ya‘ll concerts that she can go to”

Ray Ray: “ha really? I‘m surprised I didn‘t see you…..I mean umm” *looking away as everyone looks at him..*

Denise: “ha ha! Now that is over and done with! What brings u here Keisha and ray?” *looking at Keisha, then at ray ray*

Keisha: “oh right yes well! As you must know your niece is Very! Talented in many different ways.. *ray ray‘s eyebrows raise, smiling Keisha looks at him* boy don‘t make me slap u in someone‘s house!”]

Denise: “ah ha well yes I know that! She is very special and my proud and joy!!” *smiling, looking at Tamara proudly*

Keisha: “as she should be! And well the reason we are here is Tamara was showing me what she is capable of and all about her life and how her and ray ray met..”

Denise: “if you ask me I call it fate!” *look at ray ray and Tamara who look at each other looking away slightly slowing a blush*

Keisha: “ha me too! It‘s like they are twins!!” *looking at them!* “and well what we were thinking was…”

Denise: “let me guess, you and Walter Milsap have discovred my niece’s talent and what to know if she can accompany you on Mindless Behavior’s #1 Girl tour am I right?”

Keisha: *shocked* “umm yes! But how did you know?”

Denise: “well after Tamara said ray ray was from MB and that u were his manger I could already tell……….”

Keisha: “deinse? Your daughter has true talents and is very beautiful and I think it‘s time she shared her talent with the world! If you let her go I promise I will make sure she will keep her grades up maybe even improve and that she will be completely safe! And it would be a great experience for us plus we just can‘t do it without her she‘s exactly what we have been looking for!” *smiling*

Deinsie: *a tear escapes her eye and falls down her cheek as Tamara got up and sat next to her* “I always knew this day would come!… but just not so soon…”

Tamara: “what day mom?…..I ….. mean………” *putting her arm around her auntie‘s shoulder*

Denise: “ha it‘s ok! *slowly starting to cry* you were always like a daughter to me sweetie and you always will be! And I could see ever since you were 1-2 u were born to sing, dance and perform! I always knew you would be one day famous I just didn’t know it would come sooooo soon I mean your all I have left *tears strolling down her cheeks*…. Beside your brother..”

Tamara: “auntie I…………..” *feeling tears*

Denise: *wipes her tears and faces Tamara* “darling look! This is what you were born to do! Now I want you to go on that tour and show the world what you have to offer! Show them the beautiful talented girl I know you are *a tear escapes from Tamara‘s eye falling down her right cheek* and I want you to have fun!!”

Tamara: “th….thanks auntie…” *smiling, as her auntie wipes her tear away……….*

Denise: “I guess it‘s my time to let go! Now go on! U better get packing…”

Tamara: “auntie you don’t have to let go just yet cause I‘m not going for long…” 

Denise: “I now sweetie but you know what I mean! your like my daughter! You‘ll understand one day when you have kids of your own!” *touching Tamara‘s right cheek, with her left hand……..* “now go on! Go pack!!”

*then Tamara smiled and her and ray ray ran upstairs to her bedroom to pack……………………….*

o__O TO BE CONTINUED....................................................

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