Keeping Secrets....................

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Day 3 Of Number #1 Girl Tour……………………

*same routine again! MB and Tamara did their skool work! Then went back to chillin out!! Prodigy was eating chicken and watching a movie!, Princeton was listening to nirvana on his laptop! Roc was sleeping!! Keisha and walter were in the hang out area taking a break… and ray ray and Tamara were in their bunk, ray ray was drawing a picture of Tamara………………………*

Tamara: “ha ha ray u done yet? U n o I can‘t sit still for long!” *laughing and smiling*

Ray Ray: “ha ha almost babe!!!!!!!!!!!!!” *smiling, sketching her*

Tamara: “hurry up I‘m soooooooooo bored :P and I gotta go pee!” *sitting there impatiently*

Ray Ray: “I‘m coming I‘m coming!!” *then he looked and giggled at what he just said*

Tamara: *shakes her head and throws a pillow at him!*

Ray Ray: “hey babe! What was that for?” *removing the pillow from his face before going back to the drawings*

Tamara: “you are disgusting!” *rolling her eyes!*

Ray Ray: “can‘t help it! It‘s a habit! Especially round u!” *grinning*

Tamara: *raises one eyebrow* “well u need to help it and get rid of the habit or that aint the only thing u go lose!”

Ray Ray: *knows she‘s being serious!, puts his sketchpad down and goes towards her* “babe! Come on! It… I it was just a joke!” *sitting in front of her*

Tamara: “yeah I no! but u know I don‘t like it! Some times they are jokes ray! Nd sometimes u go too far…it‘s…. something I‘m afraid bout u!” *get out the bunk*

Ray Ray: *reaches out the bunk, grabs her arm… and she flinches, showing fear… he lets go* “Tamara I… I din‘t mean it ok *tries to look in her eyes* r u hiding something from me?”

Tamara: “I.. I need some air!” *walking off*

Ray Ray: *gets off the bunk* “but we ain‘t stopping till later!” *looking at her*

Tamara: “I…i mean fr….from u!” *walks into the hang out area..*

Ray Ray: “DAMN IT!” *hits both hands on the top of the bunk, then looks at the drawing he draw of you……stands there thinking: wat aint she telling me?*

*in the hang out area prodigy was still watching a movie, and Princeton was on the on the couches jamming to Nirvana Tamara came in and sat on a couch staring at her feet*

Prodigy: “hey Tamara! *looks at her* u ok T?” *getting up to sit next her…*

Tamara: “me and ray just had an argument over something stupid…” *putting her feet on the couch putting her hand in her knees…*

Prodigy: “ha come on! *putting his arm around her* I‘m sure u guys will make up!”

Tamara: *starts crying…*

Prodigy: “hey hey! *rocking her, thinks* this isn‘t bout u and ray‘s fight is it?”

Tamara: *shakes her head, which is still in her knees* “I want ray ray!” *cryin a bit harder*

Prodigy: “lemmie go get him ok?” *getting up…*

Tamara: *got up and ran crying towards the bunks and smashes into ray ray‘s chest (he was still standing there in deep thought!) and cries really hard…*

Ray Ray: “! What‘s wrong? I‘m sorry if I made u this upset ok I‘m sorry baby!” *cuddles her, holds her in his arms*

Tamara: *crying* “why me ray why me? What did u do?”

*crying harder*

Ray Ray: “babe I……….*thinks* baby what aren‘t u telling me? Please tell me! I hate seeing you in pain! What are you hiding?” *stroking her hair comforting her*

Tamara: “I want it go away ray! I want it go away…” *cryin her eyes out!!*

Ray Ray: “what babe? U gotta tell me!” *trying to look at her but her head is buried in his chest…*

*then ray ray picks her up and carries her out into the hang out area, Princeton and prodigy look at him as he takes Tamara into the quiet room, shuts the doors and sits on the couch with Tamara on his lap………….*

(1 comments to continue)................................................................................

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