Keisha Knows........................................

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*it was a week later and things died down and Tamara stared to get over her mum passing away, her and ray ray have been texting and calling ever since !! And everyone is all wondering about ray ray and what he is doing, he has always been in his bunk? Keisha Is getting suspicious!……….*

*9 days the #1 girl tour starts!……………………………. And ray ray is in his bunk texting Tamara..*


*then ray ray got out his bunk texted Tamara back, put his phone in his pocket and walked in the hang out area where Keisha was standing…………*

Ray Ray: “wassup Keisha?”

Keisha: “sit down ray ray!!”

Ray Ray: *sits on the couch, looking at Keisha who sits across from him!* “everything ok Keisha?”

Keisha: “what‘s going on with you ray ray?” *looking at him!*

Ray Ray: “what you mean?” *confused, as his phone vibrated*

Keisha: “you have been hiding out in your buck all week and always at the skate park an….”

Ray Ray: “one sec Keisha” *get‘s his phone out and quickly reads the text Tamara sent him, replied and put it back in his pocket!*

Keisha: “see that! Right there! You have been on that phone non stop! And hiding in your bunk! We aren‘t on tour ray ray! Go out and do something! It‘s not healthy”

Ray Ray: “but I don‘t wanna go anywhere! And I‘m fine in my bunk!”

Keisha: “you have hardly even spoke to the guys! All week!”

Ray Ray: “yes I have! But they talk about stuff that I‘m not interesting and what they don‘t want to tell me?”

Keisha: “what do you mean like what?”

Ray Ray: “like I would go up to them and they‘ll start talkin bout sumthin I don’t know bout and won‘t explain it! Anyway I‘m kl by myself !” 

*Ray ray’s phone vibrates again, checks his text, from Tamara and he starts laughing and texting her back… when Keisha took his phone…*

Ray Ray: “aye Keisha!” *looking at her*

Keisha: “what have you been doing on this phone for the past week!?” *looking at it……… ray ray looks away from her as she sees he has been texting someone called Tamara :P*

Ray Ray: “playing games! :P” *putting on a convincing smile*

Keisha: “ray ray! Who is Tamara?” *raising an eyebrow looking at her*

Ray Ray: *looks away from her….* “ummmm :P”

Keisha: “tell me now or you don‘t get this phone back!”

Ray Ray: “she‘s a friend!” *looking at Keisha now*

Keisha: “what kind of friend!” *going through his texts*

Ray Ray: *sighs* “I met her the day we first went to the skate park…I sorta fell on top of her! :P ”

Keisha: *shocked raising her eyebrows* “what do you mean you fell on top of her?”

Ray Ray: “well they guys wouldn‘t talk to me so I was skating away from her, when Princeton called me so I turned my head, and was also boarding and I bumped into her and fell on top of her….”

Keisha: “and now you have her number?”

Ray Ray: “yup! She‘s my best friend :D”

Keisha: “you‘ve known her a week and she your best friend? You don‘t even no her”

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