Heating Up........................... :D

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*then Keisha smiled and walked out into the rain with her pj‘s a coat and an umbrella after 2 minutes of silence ray came out of the shower just in his boxers……………*


Ray Ray: *walking into the hangout…* “baby?” *sounds pissed*

Tamara: *turns her head to his direction* “yeah?, *looks at him* what’s wrong?”

Ray Ray: “come here?” *puts his arms out for a hug…*

Tamara: *slowly gets up (cause of her leg) then she goes to him and hugs him* “u ok ray?”

Ray Ray: “I am so sorry for everything I did Tamara! I‘m so sorry I was a complete jerk to you, you don‘t need my mom to like you, you were right! Forget my mom and forget haterz! I no u said u forgive me even if I don’t deserve it! I‘m so sorry and imma make it up to you!”

Tamara: “ray! *he pulls awa from the hug and looks at her* it‘s ok! Haha!”

Ray Ray: “no baby it‘s not ok! You can‘t forgive me that easy! Look I promise you no more let downs! Ever! Tamara I love you and I never wanna hurt u! and imma make sure that no one will ever treat u as my momma did and not get away with it! An…”

Tamara: *grabs his face and kisses him for 9 seconds* “ray you talk too much sometimes ok! I understood watcha meant the first time!”

Ray Ray: “I guess I do like to get too carried away sometimes lets go watch a movie and get you off dis foot!” *swoops her off her feet, picks her up bridal style and carries her to the couch! Puts her down and goes to get some movies from the cabinet next to the tv!* 

Tamara: “ray I dunno if I‘m into a movie right now..”

Ray Ray: didn‘t hear her* “well we got: Transformers, Spongebob the movie, inception, Pursuit Of Happyness…”

Tamara: “OMFG! We gotta watch Pursuit Of Happynes! Dat is like my fav will smith film ray! Well besides all his others!” *smiles*

Ray Ray: “ahhaa Pursuit Of Happynes! it is babe! *opens the case and the dvd ain‘t in dere :P* um babe it isn‘t in da case!”

Tamara: “what!?” *straight face -_-* 

Ray Ray: “I dunno where it is! We could watch spongebob?”

Tamara: “fine!” *not happy bout dat dvd missin lool*

*ray ray put the dvd in and they started watching it and soon they got bored…………………………*

Ray Ray: *yawns* “ok! Now I‘m bored :P”

Tamara: “yeah me too! And I never get bored watching spongebob!” *confused*

Ray Ray: “so watcha wanna do babe?” *smiles, puts his arm around her shoulder*

Tamara: “ummmm draw?” *picking up her stech pads from off the floor?! And starts looking for fresh paper*

Ray Ray: “hey baby?” *looks at her*

Tamara: *looks up fro the pad and at him* “yeah ray!”

Ray Ray: “remember when we first met! And I texted you?”

Tamara: “yeah I left you for like 10 minutes ! And I texted me!”

Ray Ray: “haha yeah! Well member when u said u were drawing me? *Tamara nods* I really wanna see it! Do u got it on you or got a pic!”

Tamara: “you really wanna see my work?” 

Ray Ray: *pecks her lips* “course I do! Plus I wanna see if you made my head too big!”

Tamara: “hahahaa ok! And yeah I got it here I brought it considering I hadn‘t had time to finish it!” *flipping through her sketch pad to find the pic she draw of ray!*


Tamara: *a minute later she found it* “oh I found it ray!” *gives him the drawing, ray ray‘s mouth drops* “I know right it looks wrong! I knew it was bad…”

Writer's Note:  if you wanna see the drawing i draw of ray ray the link is in the comments and YES I ACCUALLY DRAW IT!

Ray Ray: “ba…baby! Bad ain‘t the word! There aren‘t actually words to describe how good this is baby this drawing is amazing I love it!”

Tamara: “really?” *smiles*

Ray Ray: “yes! Baby u are amazing!” *looks at her then backk at the drawing*

*a few minutes later ray and Tamara were done looking at her art work, they got talking which led to kissing….*

Ray Ray: “I love you baby!” *smiles*

Tamara: “I love you more!” *smiles, pecks him on the lips*

Ray Ray: *pulls her closer and kisses her*

Tamara: *kisses back, wrapping her arms around his neck*

Ray Ray: *depends the kiss, locking and resting his hands around the bottom of her waist before leaning more towards her slowly falling on top of her without breaking the kiss………………………………...............*

woah  dere :Dgettin a bit heated up in da moment hahahaha dat is all imma post for 2day guys! lool but dont worry more will come tomoorw and don't forget to chec out my new story Dyin Love </3 or any of my others like Swagger love, Long Time Love or Ghosts Can Love Too, Childhood Memories ect.

oh and 5 feedback comments for more guys xox love yah and love my fans :)

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