Fired Up and Trouble.............................

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*Tamara laughed at that!, ray ray was still talking to Keisha and walter got involved making it even longer it was about 15:30 they were still driving and after Tamara had beaten prodigy and roc about 12 times she got bored again and decided to go and pay Princeton a visit……….*

Tamara: *heads to the bunks when she sees Princeton doing something on his phone* “cuidado!” (watch out)

Princeton: *jumps and bumps his head on the top of his bunk*

Tamara: “Te dije que tenga cuidado!(I told you to watch out) *laughing*

Princeton: “conteno de que encontramos que divertido! Que quieres de todos modos?” (glad you find that funny! what do you want anyway)

Tamara: “company! I‘m bored!”

Princeton: “ahh glad u see sence! *grinning* What bout ray ray?”

Tamara: “urgh wow! Calm it dude! I don‘t mean like dat I‘m still ray‘s girl” *smiling at the thought of ray ray*

Princeton: “ha maybe so but” *puts in of her braces to bring her closer* “well … what he won‘t know wont hurt him chica!” *grins*

*mean while with prodigy and roc…………………….*

Ray Ray: *comes outta Keisha and walter‘s office, goes in the hangout area…* “hey guys ya‘ll seen Tamara ?”

Prodigy: “well she was here just now she went in the bunks to go talk to Princeton!”

Ray Ray: “oh ok! WHAT!” *rushing towards the bunks…*

Ray Ray’s POV: man Keisha can talk! Ha I was talking to Tamara, she was askin bout my momma! She is a nice woman but not too keen on da girls I date and I guess to make my mom happy I have broken up wid girls in da past but there is no way imma lose Tamara naw I can’t do that!! I was go tell her all about it but then Keisha called me? Y so I told her I’d be back cause I thought it would be quick but I was wrong Keisha was telling me off again bout punching Princeton the other day blah blah blah Keisha, after like 7 minutes if her telling me to control my anger she told me dat my momma is go be at tonights show :P I was like crap! She don’t know bout Tamara yet! Bplus it make it worse the hotle cancelled our reservations for the weekend so we sayin at my momma’s back in la cause we got a break before our next show in Santiago! Great! What a fun weekend dis is go be! Hope my momma like Tamara or I dunno what imma do! After going through it with Keisha and Walter I need to talk dis through wid Tamara before we got dere so I headed out the office and went to the hang out area where prod and roc were playing Mario vs. Sonic Olympics! I asked dem if dey had seen Tamara and prod said she was here wid dem but then she went in da bunks to talk to Princeton! WTF! Why she goin to him for? Oh she better not! She better not be cheatin watch me! I dashed straight towards the bunks when I heard a scream ……………………………. (end of POV) 

CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 COMMENTS FOR MORE PPL

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