What Don't I Know?

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Tamara: “don‘t u dare say that u love Hershey I already no that ray!”

Ray Ray: “ha ha I weren‘t go say dat! *laughing* lemmie see what don‘t u no bout me?” *thinking, lookin at her! as tamara rolls her eyes*

Tamara: “I know everything! Ha ha ha!” *smiling*

Ray Ray: “ha yeah…. Um…..oh I know ! I love purple!?”

Tamara: *lightly pushes him* “u so dumb sometimes ray!”

Ray Ray: “only when I wanna be babes!” *laughs, pulling her into a cuddle, squashing her….*

Tamara: “ray lemmie go…your…suffocating me..” *laughing, trying to breathe, starts punching his chest to break free* "since when did u get ....strong?"

Ray Ray: *lets go laughing* “ha ha”

Tamara: *punches his arm hard* “urgh! u do my head in sometimes!! ” *going to leave da bunk*

Ray Ray: *grabs her arm* “ok seriously! I’m sorry babe!”

Tamara: “umhm! Whatever! *looks at him, but just stand there, not getting back on the bunk* it dere serously nothing else i dunno bout you?”

Ray Ray: “I‘m a virgin!” *smiles*

Tamara: “yeah right!!” *laughs, raising both eyebrows in amazement! *

Ray Ray: “It‘s true!!” *shocked she don‘t belive him*

Tamara: “no ray no ok! u ain't no virgin ok! I mean see if that was prodigy sayin he a virgin I‘d believe him but you? No ray u too messed up to be a virgin!!”

Ray Ray: “hey hey hey! Woah woah woah! Ok ! Look I may no more than I should bout sex! But I swear to you babe that imma virgin truss! Non of MB go freaky ! We all still pure well……… kinda pure!”

Tamara: *riases one eyebrow* “ummmmmm! I‘ll buy it for now ray ray!! …. Whatcha yah mom like! Tell me bout your mom!” *smiles*

Ray Ray: “well…….” *Keisha calls ray ray!* “urgh! Comin back babe” *quickly pecks her on the lips and jumps off the bunk and heads to Walter and Keisha‘s office……….*

(to be continued).............................................................................................

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