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He watches the girl stand awkwardly at the party. It's obvious she doesn't want to be there. It's also obvious that she doesn't have many friends as no one goes to talk to her while she stands there bored. 

He watches as she checks her watch for like the tenth time in as many minutes. He can tell that she's getting agitated and angry. He wonders if she has a curfew, she doesn't look as old as the other kids here.

Finally the girl seems to get completely fed up and leaves her protected spot at the wall and walks onto the temporary dance floor. Like magic an aisle seems to open up for her as she walks forward and then close behind her.

He's absolutely enthralled by this human. She's stunningly gorgeous so normally she would be surrounded by boys, yet there are none. She does nothing and yet a crowded space makes room for her. He decides he wants her.

He walks towards her even as she finds a couple of people and pulls their drunk selves towards her and talks to them. They listen to what she says and then they seem to rush to leave the room.

He chuckles, he had heard her clearly, although the humans next to them would have had trouble with all the noise. She had told them that they have five minutes to get to the car or she's leaving without them. She must be the designated driver then. They must have either bribed her or blackmailed her to come with how much disdain she showed being here.

He follows her and catches her before she leaves the room and follow her friends out to the car.

He looks at her and says, "Come with me."

The girl gives him a look of scorn and says derisively, "No."

Adam is shocked. No human has ever told him no before and he isn't about to let this one be the first. "I said to come with me." He puts more force behind his order. Now it was strong enough to even get other vampires to follow him. He doesn't like using that much force on humans, it messes with their minds and makes it harder to cover up the feedings.

"I said no. Jeesh, can't you understand? What part of no don't you get, the n or the o?" With that the girl pushes him away slightly and makes sure that there are plenty of people between her and the man that stopped her.

Males that look that good only want one thing and she has no desire to allow him and his friends to humiliate her or hurt her like she's sure he planned on doing. But damn did he smell good. She's never smelled that cologne or aftershave before and hopes that she will again. She really liked it.

Julie pulls her head away from thoughts of the super hot male that had accosted her and puts it back onto the present and the friends that forced her to come to this damn party in the first place. If they weren't her only friends then she would have told them no, but she doesn't want to be completely alone. Right now they are the only outlet she has away from home.

Julie drops her drunk friends off at their houses and watches to make sure that they make it safely inside before she leaves. They are only allowed to go to the parties if Julie is there to make sure that they come home safely.

Their parents don't approve of the drinking, but they don't stop them from leaving either.

Julie had been given instruction by both mothers on what is and isn't acceptable behavior and if they misbehave they are to be brought home immediately. So far her friends accept their mom's rules. They also feel safer knowing that Julie won't allow them to go too far with any of the boys, or even girls.

Julie wishes that they would find something better to do than waste her time by going to those drunken bacchanalias. She'd rather read or watch a movie or even do a t.v. show marathon and she despises the shows on t.v.

Julie takes a deep breath as she pulls into her driveway and turns off the car. The lights are off, so hopefully her parents are either still out or already in bed.

She gets out and opens the door as silently as she can. She doesn't want to wake her parents. She's home on time and she had permission, but they don't always remember that or they just don't give a damn. She'd rather not have any more bruises or threats thrown her way. She wishes that she had somewhere else she could live, she only has two more months left before she can legally move out of their house.

This year has been the slowest year that she can remember.

She makes it to her room without her parents saying anything. Now she just hopes that they will be in a good mood in the morning. Otherwise there could still be hell to pay and she is all out of money.

Adam goes home unsatisfied with how the night ended. He couldn't convince the human he wanted and so settled for a couple of highly drunk girls. He had to be very careful with them though, because the alcohol content in their blood was so high they could bleed to death from his feeding.

He doesn't like feeding off drunk people. He's never cared for alcohol flavored blood and regrets once more the loss of the perfect donor.

"What's got you so down big brother?" Aaron says taking a swig from his glass.

Adam ignores him until he has his own blood. He takes a sip then replies, "I found the perfect donor tonight. She's unbelievably hot, is ignored by the humans and wasn't even drinking." Aaron knew that Adam was hunting at a party that night.

"So why the need for the blood then? She doing drugs instead?" Adam hates drugged blood even more than alcohol thinned blood.

"No, she refused my commands. She wouldn't follow me and even told me off. I was so shocked that she got away before I could follow her. I ended up with two drunk girls and now my stomach is turning."

Aaron was smirking as Adam was telling him how his night went until Adam got to the part where the girl refused to follow his commands. "How is that even possible? How strong was your command?"

Adam smirks, "Strong enough to make you follow my orders."

Aaron's mouth is open in shock. "That's not even possible. No human is that strong willed."

"There are a few, but they are few and far between." Adam says morosely looking at the dregs of the blood in his glass.

"Let's go find her tomorrow and see if she's strong enough to fight off both of us." Aaron says more than a little fascinated by this human. It's been a long time since one of them has held any fascination for any of them.

"Alright, that sounds like a plan," Adam is interested in finding out just how strong minded this human is. Maybe she'll be more than just a donor, maybe he'll make her his pet.

He must have said that out loud because Aaron snorts then smirks at him, "If you do that you'll have to share her with the rest of us. There is no way the others will tolerate having a human here that will be off limits to them."

Adam had forgotten about that. He thinks that having her here might be worth having to share her with his five brothers.


A/N I am a very curious person, so how did you come across my story?

When you know please tell me who your favorite character is and why. My favorites are Adam, Aaron and Alex. I can't tell you why at this point, spoilers.

When you finish reading the story please tell me your favorite part. If you like you can tell me a favorite anytime during the story as well. Please feel free to pm me at any time to talk about a character.

I will take any comments, but please don't be rude.

Thank you to all my readers, even my silent friends. You have made this story soar.

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