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"Go to sleep, love, we still have a lot to do and it will take us at least an hour to reach the city." Adam holds Julie in his arms as he tells her to sleep. He feels her stiffen at the order but soon enough her breathing evens out and she is asleep.

Adam mind links to Aaron, 'Make sure you get some type of cabinet to show off the tea sets. Julie is rather excited about collecting them. We'll be looking for new ones to add while we are out shopping.'

'Got it, some people collect figurines, our girl decides to collect tea sets.' Adam can feel the amusement Aaron feels at this.

'It's little enough. She could decide to collect houses or expensive cars.' Adam tells him hiding his own amusement. He'd seen the tea services before they were packed and he has to say that he sees why she would want them. They were both exquisite. He doesn't know how old the silver service is, but he'd bet more than two hundred years. It has the heft and look of the kind that was created in colonial times.

He's seen some Wedgwood that he thinks she'll like. Perhaps they'll find some old Sevres as well. He'll make sure to keep an eye out for her. He's sure the boys will as well once they learn of her desire to collect them.

Lost in his thoughts he doesn't realize that they are so close to their next destination until Liam brings him out of his thoughts. "We'll be there in five minutes sir."

"Thank you, Liam," Adam tells him then gently wakes Julie.

"Love, time to wake up. Our first shopping destination has arrived." After looking at the Prius he'd changed his mind. He wants her to have a safer vehicle than the Toyota. He'll still let her drive her Prius around where they live, but he wants her to have a safer vehicle for anything out of the town.

Julie stirs in his arms, "Where are we?"

The car comes to a stop and Liam gets out to open the door. "The Mercedes-Benz dealership. I want you in a safer vehicle. Find one that you like and I don't want you looking at the price when you do so. I also want you to get whatever extras you want and not worry about it. Whatever you want, that's the car you will get. Understand?" He wants her to know that it won't matter to him what the price is.

"I don't want to spend too much of your money. I already feel bad because I know you are going to spend a great deal of it on clothes for me."

Adam snorts. "I could buy every car in the store with all options more than twenty times over. What I'll be spending on you today is petty cash for me. Please, I want you to get the car you want, not what you think I want you to get. Your dream car, love. Let me help you achieve this dream?"

Before Julie can respond a man comes out and interrupts them. Julie answers silently though, 'Okay.' She can feel the satisfaction Adam feels at her response.

"Mr. Demarco, a pleasure to see you here today. What can I do for you this fine day?" Julie cringes at the falseness of the man's tone.

Adam feels her response and makes sure that the man isn't the one to help her find her car. "Actually we are here today for my girlfriend. I want to get her a car, but she doesn't know which one she wants. Is there a sales rep, preferably female, that can take her around and tell her about each car?" He gets too jealous for her to be around males. If he can make it possible for her to be around a female all the better.

"Miss Matthews is free," seeing a female in the distance he gestures for her to come. When she sees who is with her boss her eyes go round. When she sees Julie she gives a delighted squeal and runs to her.

For her part when Julie sees the female she does the same. They give each other bear hugs.

"I take it you know her, Jewel?" Adam says amusedly.

"Margo was my best friend until she graduated last year and left for university here in the city." Julie says then directs her words to Margo, "When in the hell did you start working?"

Margo gives a moue of distaste, "I took my boyfriend to meet my parents. They were less than impressed. You know them, it's all about appearances. They didn't bother to find out that he's a multimillionaire, because he doesn't look like they think he should they told me to dump him.

"When I refused they cut me off financially. I started working here to pay for my schooling. Fortunately my degree is only two years so I won't have to work for long."

"Why doesn't your boyfriend pay for your expenses?" Adam asks, he admires her for standing up to her parents and working for her achievements.

"He wanted to, but I told him I needed to do this." Adam likes Margo much more than he likes Julie's other friends. She's willing to work to achieve her ends.

"Miss Matthews, will you please take your friend around and tell her about the cars?"

"She is to get whatever options she wants. I don't want her to know the price on anything." Adam informs her.

"Yes, Mr. Demarco, it will be a pleasure. Just let me get my list so that I can tell you accurately. I still don't have it all memorized." Margo colors up in embarrassment.

"No worries," Julie says and waits as Margo hurries away to get her listings.

'Make sure she gets the commission for this sale, Adam, she needs it.' Julie tells him by the mind link.

'I will, I like her, she reminds me a great deal of you.' Julie blushes a bit at this.

'We used to say that we were sisters from different Misters. Her parents are a bit pretentious, but overall good people. I could tell they didn't like me because I was from the poor part of town, but they were always kind to me.' Julie tells him.

'Remember choose what you want, I'll be going over safety options with the manager while you find your dream car.'

Julie gives him a warm smile and goes to meet her friend.

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