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Julie wakes up to Adam kissing her arm, "Hmm, I like this. I don't think I've ever been so nicely awakened before. Why couldn't you have awakened me like this when I first started living here?" Julie manages to say as she turns and faces Adam.

"Because you weren't sleeping in my bed at that point," Adam points out reasonably. "I like this too. Make it a permanent thing? You asked for time to think about it, I've given you weeks." Adam is almost ready to start begging to have her with him more.

"Does it really mean that much to you?" Julie asks pleased. 

"You have no idea, it has taken more control than I knew I had to not kill my brothers for having so much of your time. I need you, Jewel. You are my special one, I have to share but it is more difficult than you understand for me to do so."

Julie looks at him and brushes his hair out of his eyes, "Damn you're hot." Adam smirks at her words, but he's not happy that she won't give him a straight answer.

Julie moves to where she can kiss him, "Yes, I'll move in with you, mostly. There will be times I need my space and will keep my room."

Adam careful of her growing stomach pulls her tight to him. "Thank you, I know today is your birthday, but I feel like I just got the best gift." He gives her another kiss then gets out of bed. "Speaking of birthdays, today is a big day."

He cuts his wrist and offers it to her. Julie has by now grown more than a little attached to their blood, but especially Adams. She eagerly drinks the blood.

When she's done drinking Adam pulls her up and gives her another kiss. When he's done he pulls her over to the window. He hands her an envelope and has her look down. She looks down and sees a car, again it's nothing a mom would normally drive. "What's that?"

"Open the envelope and don't get angry, just say thank you." Adam instructs and then takes a cautious step backwards.

Julie opens the envelope and takes out the papers there and then dumps out the other item. A key chain with the Porsche logo, then she looks at the papers but doesn't really understand them. "What are they?"

"The car is for you to have fun in, if you don't like it we can exchange it." He had remembered many of the extras he'd ordered for her Mercedes and had them added, when possible, to her Porsche. "The papers are your insurance should something happen to me. They are voting stock in all the companies I own."

When she doesn't get angry he says, "Happy birthday, love." He dares give her a birthday hug and kiss.

"Thank you," Julie tells him. She knew that he would never hurt her, but now she'll never have to worry about the children either. Although, if something happened to him she's not sure how she'd raise seven vampire children on her own.

"You'll never be on your own, Jewel. If something happened to me, there's my brothers and parents that will help you and protect you. This is just to make sure that you and the children will never want for anything."

"I love you, Adam. You know that don't you?" Julie says with tears in her eyes.

"I know, you've never showed me anything but care and love. I can never give you even a fraction of what you've given me, that's why I give or try to give you things. It's not enough, I know it, but-" Julie shuts him up with another kiss.

Instead of heading down for breakfast Adam takes her back to bed and makes sure that she has a good start to her birthday.

"The boys want to give you their birthday greetings in their rooms. They'll feed you there." Adam says after they finished.

"I wish I could just stay here with you all day," Julie says sighing.

"Now that," Adam says kissing her again, "is something I can agree with. But needs must, the boys all have something for you and we have things to do before my parents get here." 

Julie had been able to secure two more tickets to her graduation. Now that her boyfriends' parents were coming she's even more nervous about her speech as valedictorian. The four of them had chosen to keep their speeches small, not wanting to bore everyone, but still.

Julie groans as she gets out of bed. Soon it won't be possible to hide the pregnancy. After tonight it won't matter.

She gets showered and dressed. She decides that she'll visit the boys in order of birth. She stops at Aaron's door and knocks.

It takes seconds for him to open the door. "Happy birthday, baby." Aaron tells her giving her a kiss and hug.

"Thank you, Aaron. It's started out crazy." She doesn't understand why Adam would get her another car, now she has three. Where is she going to park them?

"Come in, baby." Aaron pulls her further in and like, Adam, to the window. "Look down."

She can't help the gasp. Another car, but not a fancy sports car. An SUV big enough for all the babies and all of the boys, she thinks. She absently takes the envelope he hands her. 

She opens it and feels the key chain, she's not sure of the logo, but it doesn't matter. She's sure that it's the safest one on the market.

She opens the papers and looks a question at Aaron. They look like ones Adam gave her. "Voting stocks in all the companies I own. Some are the same companies as the other brother's but not all of them are. Each of us have our own companies as well as stock in the main company. We want to make sure that you and the children are taken care of financially."

She smiles at him and kisses him as she hugs him again. "Thank you, Aaron." Aaron squeezes her to him tight then releases her as the babies protest. 

"They're getting big," Aaron says in wonder. He'd never felt them move before. Adam and Azlo have, but the others never were lucky enough to.

"Yes, and they are hungry. Adam has fed his two now the others are wanting theirs." Julie says blushing a bit.

Aaron smiles and bites his wrist. Adam has to give more than the others because he's having two, so he can't just bite.

Julie takes and drinks his blood.

"Thank you Aaron, for everything." Julie tells him.

"Anything for you, love, you know that."

"Yes, I do. I'm a very lucky girl."

Aaron laughs, "Yeah, not every girl has six people willing and able to kill for them. You know we will too."

"I know." 

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