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Adam steps back and pulls Julie back so that the mafia boss could enter the house. "My or I should say our girlfriend came to pack some of the things her parents denied her when they kicked her out."

"I don't understand, she's a bit young for you isn't she Demarco?" Travony really wants to smirk, but doesn't dare. He still finds himself held up in the air by his neck.

"Be more respectful to our girlfriend. She turns eighteen in two months time, but her parents beat the shit out of her and whipped her before kicking her out two days ago." At Adam's words Travony's eyes go from frightened to deadly.

"Let me down, Demarco." Adam hides the pleased look from Travony, but Julie can feel it.

Travony goes into the living room and faces the two sitting down. "I take it you are the reason they didn't show up for work and are showing me such disrespect now?" Travony doesn't blame them, he knows just how terrifying Adam Demarco can be. Every time they meet he wonders if that will be his last.

"Yes, I also took a look over their financials. I found some discrepancies. I sent you an email outlining what I found. It was just a quick look, I'm sure that you will find more if you take an even deeper and more in depth look." Travony looks at the two terrified people before him and takes out his phone.

He tells whoever answers it to look over the accounts of the two before him handled. Then he hangs up and turns to the Thomas's. "You know that I don't hold with child abuse."

With those words the couple turns even whiter and they both look like they are about to faint.

"Mr. Demarco tells me that he found evidence of years worth of abuse on your daughters body and not just that, but you kicked your underage child out of the house."

The don waits for them to say something. Then he turns to Demarco, "Did you order them not to speak?"

Adam smirks, he'd forgotten that, "Yeah, sorry about that." Adam says to the don then turns his attention to the Thomas's. "You will answer any and all of his questions truthfully and completely."

"Damn, wish I could do that, it would make my life easier," Adam heard Travony mutter to himself and hides the smirk this time. No need to antagonize the man, even if he despises him.

"I take it you have something you want me to do to them?" Travony says suddenly turning his attention to Adam and the girl. 

"I think you know what I want, but wait until she turns eighteen in two months. Then she'll be able to inherit."

Travony smiles, "They will be my special guests. I'll make sure that they are seen around for awhile then before they leave. I wouldn't want the girl suspected of anything. She doesn't deserve that.

"Miss, had I known earlier I would have stopped it, I assure you. I will be sending you something in reparations for the pain and suffering you have endured under their care."

"That won't be necessary, Mr. Travony. My boyfriends are taking very good care of me now." Julie doesn't know where the courage to speak came from, but she can feel that Adam is well pleased with her response.

"Be that as it may, you suffered greatly under my watch and I failed you. I know that money and things don't make up for it, but unfortunately I am unable to change the past." Travony turns his attention back to Adam, "Make sure she takes the gift."

Adam understands and nods.

"One thing I don't understand, you keep referring to all the Demarco's as your boyfriends. Why is that?"

"Because they all are. That was the deal when they took me in. They got tired of all the gold diggers and whores that would surround them. For some reason they think that I will be sufficient deterrent."

Travony smiles, he understands how they feel. He looks back to Adam, "Why is that?"

"Because she stands up to me and my brothers and has told us off. She will have no problem doing so to the parasites as well."

Travony nods but before he can say anything Adam breaks in, "Be very careful about what you say next. My Jewel is no whore."

"I wouldn't dream of calling her one." Travony is quick to say.

"I am in fact a virgin, Mr. Travony. They promised that they wouldn't force me to do anything I don't wish nor will they hurt me in any way. For the first time in years I have that guarantee. I rather like the safety that brings me."

"Yes, I imagine that you would. It's something precious in life, safety. I am sorry you suffered so much. I am sure that the Demarco's will take good care of you."

Adam ushers her out and back to her room. He sends Aaron in to mark her and when he's finished he sends in Alex. He goes back with her and tells Aaron to send the others in as each brother finishes.

"Adam, there is an old silver tea service that my parents have. Could we take that as well?" Julie asks biting her lip. She doesn't want to press her luck with him.

"Anything you want, love. Just let them know. There is a tea service with the china is there not?"

"Yes, neither is used, my parents don't even like tea. But both are beautiful and are wasted here."

"Then we'll take the silver with us as well. Is there other silver you wish?"

"There are some pieces, but I don't know what. I wasn't allowed near it."

Adam smiles, he directs his thoughts to Aaron and tells him to pack all the silver as well.

"Would you like to collect tea services? We could look at some when we go shopping today if you like?"

"Would that not take up too much of the space in your home?" But Julie would dearly love to do so. She likes looking at the different types and styles.

"Not at all. My home is now yours and I want you comfortable enough to do as you wish. We'll look at different services and if you like some we'll get them."

Julie gives a little squeal and runs to him and gives him a hug. "Thank you."

Adam returns her hug a little awkwardly, he's just glad she seems to have forgotten about the advanced lesson on kissing. He wants to be the one to teach her but now is not the time, and this is definitely not the place.

When her parents are dead, he's pretty sure that she'll sell the place. From what she's said there have been few to no happy memories associated with this place. He can't imagine her wanting to keep it. Not unless she will want to rent it out. He'll have to take a look at what the going rates for a house this size is. But ultimately it will be her decision and hers alone to make.

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