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"You will stop, Alex, if you value your life," Aaron says softly holding his brother back from killing their younger brother. Alex was bent over the girl that Adam had claimed and was about to bite into her.

"Bugger off, I found her first." Alex says challengingly.

The smell of fresh blood is heavy in the air and the two vampires stiffen.

"Why is she bleeding?" Adam says angrily through gritted teeth. Only then does he notice that she is also unconscious. She's lying on the dirty pavement of the alley and there is a growing pool of blood under her head. Her clothes are ripped and torn.

"I found her like this, that bastard was about to rape her," Alex motions over to the man that was lying unconscious by the side of the building where he'd been thrown. "I threw the man off and was just about to partake of her sweet smelling blood when you both showed up." Alex is more than a little petulant at his brothers interference. The girls blood is the sweetest that he's smelled in years and he wants it.

"You know the rules, you can't take the blood of one that hasn't given consent. There is no way she would have since she's not conscious. Besides, she's refused me twice and Aaron once already." Adam manages to say with out throwing his younger brother away from the girl.

Alex stands up and backs off the girl.

Adam had told them all about the girl he wants to bring back to the house. He hadn't realized that this girl is the same one his  brother has been targeting. The one that doesn't follow the commands. They are all wanting to meet someone strong enough to not only defy Adam but Adam and Aaron together. It's doubtful even their father could do so at this point.

"I think that bag over there is hers." Alex motions to a backpack that was tossed onto the ground.

Aaron goes over to it, "It has her scent. Looks like the bastard was going through it. He dumped her things out. There are clothes and some other items." Aaron looks up at Adam, "It looks like she was leaving her parents house."

That brings both relief and stress to the two vampires. She was beaten and abused there but the house offered some protection from the greater threat of other supernaturals such as them. If she didn't have another place to live then she would be easy pickings. They needed to get her back to their home where they can protect her.

"Did you harm her?" Adam growls going to the girl. Bending down he bites his wrist and forces her to drink his blood.

"No, she was already like this, like I said." Alex is quick to reassure Adam. The signs are definitely there, Adam has claimed this girl.

Once the female swallows several mouthfuls of blood, Adam picks her up gently and carries her.

"Aaron, repack her things, make sure you don't miss anything. She'll be more receptive to staying with us if we bring everything with us. Alex, you are free to continue with your plans or you can return home." Adam orders his brothers.

"When are you going to introduce our mystery woman to the others?" Aaron queries even as he is busy gathering her things.

"Once she is awake and able to make the decision on her own." Adam replies looking down at the sleeping female in his arms. "She's lost a lot of blood so it might be some time before she awakens. I'll let you both know if you aren't back by then." There will be a family meeting called at that time and they will need to be present.

"Her clothes are filthy and will need to be cleaned. Adam there aren't more than three days worth of clothes here. She'll need more-"

"If she chooses to stay with us, I will take her shopping. As I know you and the others would do as well. She'll want to change into her own clothes as soon as possible so make sure the maids get those clothes cleaned."

"Yes, Adam," Aaron goes back to hunting for all items that have the girl's scent on them. Adam takes off to take the girl to his home and get her cleaned up.

"I've never seen Adam so protective of anyone before," Alex says almost to himself.

Aaron pauses and looks over to his younger brother, "No one has ever intrigued him like this before. The girl has attitude, something that I've never seen anyone, not even our parents, give him. She can tell that he has power and she still tells him off. She told us both off last night before pushing past us to go home. She was whipped and had fresh blood falling down her back from the scabs breaking open. The girl must have been in pain, yet she showed no sign of it by word or action. She just brushed past us and started jogging home.

"You know how much Adam respects courage."

"There is nothing he respects more," Alex whispers softly to to himself although he did say it out loud.

"Right, well I believe I got everything, if not, I'll be back to look for it tomorrow." Aaron looks over to the human male that is now starting to moan in pain. "Why don't you take your meal from him? Might save his life if you do. Adam will be back and if he hasn't been punished, well you know how Adam gets."

"He'll tear him apart. That wouldn't be good." Alex wrinkles his nose. They might be predators, but they do have standards and the male doesn't fit in with those standards. But being hunted down by humans would be even worse than lowering his standards this one time.

Alex goes over to the human as he tries to stand up. He makes him look him in the eye, "You will never attack another female again. Do you understand?" Alex commands the man.

"Yes, I understand."

"I'm hungry, will you allow me to feed from you?" Alex has to hide his sneer at this. The man is weak and won't be able to refuse even that light compulsion he placed on him. Most humans are, that's why the mystery woman has them all intrigued. Adam and Aaron are very old vampires. Alex and the others are as well, but not nearly as old. There are very few vampires that would be able to resist the commands of Adam, let alone the combined force of Adam and Aaron.

"Yes," the man replies pulling Alex back from his thoughts. Not hesitating any longer Alex bites the neck and makes sure the screams of the man were muffled by his hand. He did nothing to stop the pain and even encouraged it. The man is getting off light, but he's not getting off completely.

He doubts that Adam will accept this as the only punishment.

He takes more than he normally would in a feeding and leaves the man dazed and disoriented. Letting the man go he falls into a boneless puddle. Alex sneers at the man as he leaves. The blood roils in his stomach. He's going to have to get rid of it and find something more palatable. The taste of his blood was vile. He like Adam doesn't like the taste of drug laced blood and there was more than a little drugs in the mans system.

Alex turns his back on the man and walks out of the alley not looking back.

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