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"Julie? It's time to get up. If you want to eat breakfast before we go you'll need to hurry." Adam goes in and does his best to wake his sleeping girlfriend.

"Mr. Demarco, what time is it?" Julie says sleepily sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes.

"Just about seven o'clock. I know it's early but you can sleep in the car on the way to your town. There's a lot to do today and we need to get started as soon as possible." Adam tells her working his way to the door. "Please, remember you're my girlfriend now so call me Adam."

"Yes, Adam. Sorry, I'm not used to having a boyfriend, let alone six of them." Julie looks down, she wonders now if she made the right decision last night.

'Julie, there is no reason to be upset. The boys are waiting for their chance to mark you before we go. Once they do they will be able to talk to you in your mind like I have been doing.' With Adam's words Julie looks up at him in shock, she hadn't realized that he had been talking to her in her mind. 'You can talk to me as well and you'll be able to talk and call any of us once we have all marked you. Do you regret your decision?'

'I'm just a bit confused still. Everything seems to go so fast.'

'Julie, will you come here?' Adam has learned to not order her or she'll tell him off, he's just hoping that asking like that will get her to come to him. It works, Julie gets off her bed and goes over to him.

'We will never force you, do you believe that?' Adam asks her lifting up her head so he can see her lovely celestial blue eyes.

'Yes,' Julie replies but it is more from the mind link than her words.

'Might I kiss you?' Adam asks he hadn't dared before.

'I don't know how,' Julie responds and looks down again.

Adam gets a wicked smile on his face, 'Good, then I'll make sure that you learn how to do it properly.'

He can feel her shock, but acceptance and so gives her a gentle kiss. Julie immediately responds and so he deepens it. 'I thought you said you didn't know how to kiss, my Jewel?'

"That was my first kiss, other than the one you gave me last night." Julie says softly.

"You, my sweet, are a natural kisser. If you want we can work some more on it in the car on the way to your parents house." Julie can't help but stiffen at the mention of her parents. "They won't hurt you again, Julie, I won't let them."

Adam pulls the girl into his arms and just holds her as she finally releases her fears of her parents. "You are safe with us. Neither I nor my brothers will allow any harm to befall you. You need to trust me on that." 

"I do, it's just that for so long, my earliest memories include abuse from them. To no longer be afraid of what they think or will do is something I have yet to get used to. I'm sorry, I know I'm being a big baby. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted me to leave now." Julie says wiping away the tears she can no longer keep from falling.

"Even if I so chose, which I don't, my brothers wouldn't let me send you away. You made a choice last night and they are eagerly awaiting their turn to mark you. It has been a very long time since we have all agreed on something like this. You are wanted here. Your parents were foolish and threw you away, but my brothers and I know a treasure when we find one."

"Adam, what happens to those that are brought here and the others won't accept them as their pet?"

Adam sighs, this is something else she isn't going to like, "We have a family dinner."

"I don't understand, what does that have to do with the human?"

"The human is the main course. Since there isn't enough blood to satisfy us when all six eat, we also eat the meat."

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