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Adam sighs as he sets his laptop down. He finished his work now he can concentrate on fixing things with his jewel. He doesn't understand what went wrong this morning. They went down for breakfast, she had hers and he had his. She didn't have a problem with his eating, she seemed to be fascinated as she watched him feed.

She was talking to Aaron. That's when things started going wrong. Damn, he was going to have them mark her before they left. He let his jealousy get in the way of getting things done and now she has distanced herself from him.

"Jewel, I can see that you are still tired. We still have a ways to go before we get to your parents place, you should rest while you can." Adam says softly he doesn't want to make it sound like a command. Julie really doesn't like commands.

Instead of leaning on him or putting her head in his lap she leans against the window and shuts her eyes.

Adam is getting frustrated, nothing is going the way he thought it would this morning.

"I'm sorry," Adam finally tells her.

At least that gets her attention, "For what?"

Now Adam is panicking, is that a trick question? "For being jealous this morning and rushing us out the door. I didn't even let them have a chance to mark you like I wanted done this morning."

Julie merely shrugs, "This morning or later, doesn't matter to me. I have no idea why you would be jealous of your brother talking to me."

At least she's facing him now. Adam caresses her face. "I don't like sharing what is mine. I have to with my brothers, but I still don't like it."

Adam undoes her seat belt and picks her up and sets her on his lap. "This isn't safe." Julie tries to argue and squirms to get off, but Adam isn't having any of it and holds her to him even tighter.

"Little Jewel, you might want to stop moving so much or your education will go further than just kisses." Adam hisses through his teeth.

Julie doesn't understand but she stops when she feels his grip getting painfully tight. "Thank you."

Adam holds her close and closes his eyes. After a few minutes he opens them back up. "I thought you would like your lesson on kissing now? Or perhaps you would prefer it later?" Adam isn't sure which he wants her to say.

"I thought you were angry with me?" Julie says sadly and refuses to look at Adam. She doesn't understand the vampire and it's getting hard for her to trust him. If she can't predict how he's going to react then how will she know how to act?

Adam sighs, "Forgive me, Julie, I wasn't angry with you. You have done nothing wrong. I am angry mostly with myself and when that happens I have a bad habit of taking it out on those around me." Adam lightly kisses her face as he explains his mood to her.

He finally makes it to her mouth and kisses her. He lightly bites her bottom lip and she pulls away from him thinking she's done something wrong.

"Julie, don't pull away, that wasn't in punishment, that was asking permission for me to enter your mouth."

Julie gives him a strange look. "Just what is going to enter my mouth?"

Adam smirks, "Trust me?"

"Not this time, what is going to enter my mouth?" Julie demands.

Adam rolls his eyes, "My tongue, little jewel." He smirks again at the look she gives him. "There is a reason it's called swapping spit. Don't knock it until you try it. If you don't like it, I won't do it any more, okay? I promise."

Hesitantly Julie allows him to kiss her again and this time when he lightly bites on her lip she opens her lips and he slips his tongue in. 

He immediately deepens the kiss and she follows his lead.

He turns her around and lays her down on the seat and just as he's about to resume kissing her, "Sir, we're just about there." Liam tells him through the intercom.

"Thank you, Liam," Adam says and does his best to keep his growl of anger from being unleashed. As they catch their breaths he realizes it was probably best that Liam interrupted when he did. He doesn't think that Julie is quite ready for the advanced lessons just yet. But he sure the hell is.

He sits back and helps her to sit back up as well.

"Are you angry with me again?" Julie can always tell what a person is feeling, but she isn't sure if the anger is directed at her or not.

"No, baby, I'm just frustrated is all." Adam does his best to calm her.


Adam closes his eyes and does his best to hold back the whimper her question makes him want to let out. "Because, I want to continue the lesson and I don't want to be disturbed while doing so. But the advanced lesson needs to be done in private, my little jewel."

"Oh, well, then we can probably go to my old room and have some privacy there. Will that work?" Julie asks innocently.

"Fuck," Adam is unable to hold back the epithet. "That will be more than sufficient. Jewel, if there is anything I do that you don't like in the lesson, you need to tell me. I will be doing many new things with you, things that you might not be comfortable with, like the tongue kissing."

"Oh, will I like it?" Julie questions him innocently.

"I sure hope to hell you do, sweety. I'll do my best to make it so you do." He's not sure if he'll be able to stop if he continues the lesson. Not now, not after the jealousy he felt with his brother. He needs to claim her.

"Will it be like what you did with the maid this morning? Aaron said that you gave her pleasure and an orgasm."

"Aaron has a fucking big mouth. Yes, it will be similar to that." He wants to make it even better for her though.

"She seemed to enjoy it, do you think I will?"

"If I do things right you will." Adam wonders just how they got started on this talk and how much longer until they get to their destination.

Finally he feels the car pull to a stop. He jumps out as soon as he can get the door open. He takes a quick look around to make sure they are at the right place. Once he is sure that they are he helps Julie out.

"I'll call when we are ready to go. There is a park not far away, go and relax."

"Thank you sir," Liam says and gets back in as the two walk up to the door.

Julie can't help it she grabs Adam's sleeve and holds on tight to him.

"I'll do the talking. You have nothing to worry about."

"I know, but it's not easy to let go after all the abuse."

"They will pay for that, my jewel. Now relax and trust in me," Adam suggests and immediately he feels her relaxing. He is amazed that she is so easily able to trust him. 

He knocks on the door and they wait for someone to answer.

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