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Adam hauls Aiden down to his study to go over things for tonight. Julie shakes her head, 'I love you, Aiden.' She tells him silently. She had meant to tell him before but Adam came in and had to be pacified.

'I know, I love you too.' Aiden tells her back. After her kidnapping Aiden had stayed with her a good bit. Things were hard at first because of him making that stupid video and then the argument that ended with her kidnapping, but after that they became pretty close. She is still closer to Alex, but Aiden is now classified as a friend.

Julie goes to Arthur's room. In some ways things are just as strained as before. She has forgiven him, but the trust she had in him is gone. She feels sad for that because she felt close to him before that.

Knocking at his door, it doesn't take him long to answer. Longer than the others, though. She suspects that she woke him up. Of all of them Arthur and Azlo are the most nocturnal. Arthur for his plays and music. Azlo for his gaming.

"Happy birthday, Jules," Arthur gives her a hug and invites her in. She goes in and he escorts her to the window. Julie hides the smile that wants to come out.

"Oh," Arthur didn't get her a car. He got her what looks to be a thoroughbred horse.

"He's a two year old gelding. He's promising on the racing circuit. Do you like him?" Arthur asks hopefully.

Julie shakes her head. "I don't like him, I love him. He's beautiful, Arthur. What's his name?"

"Midnight Fire. When I heard his name I knew he was meant for you." Arthur had loved the paint job on her Mercedes. He nicknamed her car midnight fire.

Julie hugs him tight.

Arthur hands her the envelope she had been expecting.

She opens it and finds the papers but something more. A bracelet and key come out.

She looks up at Arthur. "It's a truck. It's still being built, they're having trouble with some of the things I wanted. You'll get the correct key when it's delivered. There is also a horse trailer that comes with that. You'll need a way to get Midnight to his races."

Arthur takes the bracelet from her and places it around her wrist. "I love you, Jules. I know that I've messed up pretty bad, but-"

"Stop, no one is perfect. I've already forgiven you. You didn't need to get me so many gifts."

"You think this is a lot? Wait til my parents get here." Arthur laughs. His parents spoiled them with gifts on their birthdays and special occasions. This is both for Jules and since she's now part of the family he has no doubt that they will spoil her as well.

"No, seriously Julie, you deserve everything we can give you. You are the mother to our children. You've made Adam more bearable. You've brought a lot of happiness to this house. Hell you've made this house into a home. Nothing we can do, nothing we can give you will ever come close to what you've done for us.

"Happy birthday, Jules." Arthur pulls her in for a kiss and hug.

Julie gives back enthusiastically on the kiss and it's only the kicking from the babies that reminds her that she still needs his blood.

"The babies?" Arthur asks stepping back from Julie so he can feel her stomach.

"Yes," Julie replies. "I love you too, Arthur."

Arthur smiles at her and then seems to come out of his thinking. He takes and bites his wrist and offers it to her.

Julie takes it but she notices that he seems to fall back into his thoughts. She wonders what has him so enthralled?

Julie sighs deeply. Azlo, they've spent hours together. After Alex hurt her so badly it was Azlo that was the most persistent and annoying about spending time outside her room. Alex rarely goes to the back living room and so she felt safe in going there and playing video games.

She still isn't very good. Her hand eye coordination has gotten better, but still it's below par. Azlo was always patient and willing to wait or help her pass a level. He didn't speak much, but that was a plus as far as Julie is concerned. She needed the peace to heal.

She needed Azlo to push her to overcome her pain.

Adam had tried but he wanted to take her pain away. She could feel his frustration and so she didn't like being around him. She didn't like making him hurt more.

Azlo helped her to slowly heal and she'll always be thankful for that.

"Julie," Azlo says opening the door and giving her his breathtaking smile. Of all the brothers, his smile is the warmest. 

"Happy birthday, baby." Azlo says giving her a hug and twirling around with her.

Laughing she holds onto him, "Stop or I'll be sick. You don't want to wear the babies breakfast."

Azlo immediately stops. Being covered in regurgitated blood doesn't sound good to him. He doesn't mind being covered in blood in general though. He's been in and created blood baths in the past.

Now he doesn't think he could cause one, unless it is to protect Julie.

He takes her hand and brings her to the window.  "Oh, my." 

Azlo snickers, "Take another look, love." Julie looks again. "Oh, it's beautiful."

Where the car painted in various characters from video games was now stands a hummer.

"They are actually both yours." Azlo snickers. He loved her reaction to the first gift. He knew she'd like the paint job for the hummer. Silver with black flames. Nearly the opposite of the car Adam got her.

"Do you like the hummer?" Azlo asks diffidently. He hands her the envelope and she opens it while answering.

"It's wonderful, of course I like it," She finds the keys to both cars.

"I wanted to get you something else but I couldn't think of anything." Azlo looks embarrassed.

"The two cars are more than enough. That and the stock, right?"

"Yeah, Adam wanted to make sure you knew that you and the kids will always be taken care of."

"Thank you Azlo," Julie says and gives him another kiss.

Azlo smiles and bites his wrist. Julie takes it and drinks. She will be glad when she won't have to have the blood all the time, but she will miss the time she spends with the brothers when they feed her.

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