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"So, Adam Demarco, how'd you land him?" Margo demands once they are out of earshot. "Just look around and if anything interests you let me know." Margo knows that pressuring Julie works as well as putting your head in a bear trap. It'll kill you.

"You know how Michelle and Judy love to party? They dragged me to a frat party last Friday. I got their drunk asses out of there and he blocked my way. He wanted me to go with him and I told him off. He must have liked my sass because he came looking for me the next night." By then Margo is staring at Julie.

"You told off Mr. Adam Demarco?" 

"Yeah, and the next night he brings his brother Aaron with him and I told them both off.

"Yesterday my parents threw me out of the house and his brother Alex saved me from being raped after I was attacked. Shortly after that Adam said that he and Aaron showed up. They took me to their home and invited me to live there. They only asked that I be their girlfriend in return."

During her recitation, Julie doesn't stop looking around the showroom floor. She doesn't notice the silence of her friend because her attention is grabbed by the car in the corner.

"You are girlfriend not just to Adam, but his brothers as well?" Margo finally manages to find her voice.

"Yeah, Margo, tell me about that car there?" Julie points out the car and makes her way to it. Margo snaps out of her daze and follows her to the car in question. She swallows hard. If Julie gets this car and especially if she adds in options then she'll have enough to pay for her schooling for the next year. She won't have to stress about it.

Margo carefully tells her about all the standard features on this car and makes sure to tell her what upgrades or other options there are as well.

"It doesn't come in automatic?" Julie says in disappointment. Margo gets set for disappointment.

"I or one of the others will teach you how to drive stick, love. You don't need to give up on the car you so obviously love for that reason." Adam says coming up to her and pulling her against his chest as he hugs her.

"Really? You'll take time out of your busy schedule to do that for me?" Julie demands.

"Anything for you, love. That's simple enough. If they don't have the car you wish in stock, we can practice at home on one of the cars we have there."

"I have really sucky hand, eye or rather hand, eye, and foot coordination. I had a hard enough time learning automatic."

"But you already have half the learning down with that. Don't worry, we have the money to replace a few clutches." Adam tells her jokingly.

Julie turns in his arms and smacks his arm. "Jerk."

Adam just chuckles. They had both forgotten the other people that were standing there. Margo and her boss just look on too amazed to say anything.

"Did she decide on anything, Miss Matthews?" Adam says sobering up and remembering that they weren't alone.

"Yyes, at least I think she did with your reassurance. This car here?" That last was directed to Julie.

"This is the one, but I want a different color and they don't offer it."

"What would you like? We can get a custom paint job after the car is delivered."

"We can do the custom paint job here if you would like?" The manager offers.

"I want a midnight blue, that sparkles in the light, with silver fire along the sides of the car." Adam smiles at her choice. He'd never have picked her for something so flashy, but he likes it.

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