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It's the knocking at her door that wakes her up. What is it with these damn vamps? She will never again believe the stories about vampires being nocturnal. 

"Why the fuck are you knocking at my door so bloody early in the morning?" She demands of Adam.

"I have to leave soon and you have to have the blood before I do." Adam responds and holds back his amusement. "If you would stay in my room I could just set my arm to your mouth and let you swallow while still asleep?" Adam tries to get her to agree with his request from last night.

"I told you last night, Demarco that I would think about it." She's even crankier than normal, she wonders if that is because of her late night with Azlo or because of the babies.

Adam stops pushing it. She only calls him Demarco when she's seriously pissed. He cuts his arm and she takes it hungrily. She's had all their blood now but like his scent she prefers his.

"Get some more sleep, love. The others will only bother you if they have to leave before you feed from their blood. If they will be gone for long periods of time they will leave blood in the fridge, marked with their name." Adam gives her a bone melting kiss and she forgets how angry she is for being awakened before six.

"Will you be long?"

"I don't know, Travony has some information for me. He was less than pleased to find out that you'd been kidnapped and almost killed. He is trying to get some of his men into the club for me."

"They might be able to, but none of you supernaturals will be."

"Yeah, I more or less figured that out. That's why I asked Travony for a couple of his younger men to try."

"Careful, I still dont' trust him."

"Neither do I, but he hates the Italians even more. That's who was trying to take over my companies." Adam smirks, he can imagine what Travony is going to do to the Italians. Not his problem now. He has rogues that are a more pressing problem for him.

Adam leaves and shuts the door careful to not make much noise.

Julie falls on top of her bed and doesn't even bother getting under the covers.

Azlo pulls her closer to him and they both fall back into sleep.

Azlo wakes up a few hours later and watches Julie sleep. She's so peaceful looking. He just doesn't understand how her parents could have hurt her like he's heard.

He sees her looking at him. "Your parents must have been real shit heads." He tells her and she relaxes. She had stiffened as soon as he mentioned her parents.

"You could say that. But what brought that on?" Julie questions.

"The fact that it had to be life threatening to you, for Adam to be willing to bring you here to share. I can't think of another time when Adam has done that. My brothers and I have, but never Adam.

"Adam doesn't share, but then Adam has never given a fuck for anyone outside of family before either."

Julie wants to snort but holds it in. "Why do you and the others keep saying that? I feel almost smothered by how protective he his."

"That's just it, Jules, you are the first that he's ever been like that for. You are the only one I've ever seen him cry about too.

"He didn't sleep either, until you were out of danger. I have never seen him like that. You being his special one explains it, but not the sharing you part unless his back was to the wall.

"We don't share our special ones. I have never heard of it ever happening, yet here you are."

"It was bad. I don't know why my parents didn't just kill me. There were many times I wish they had. Perhaps it's because of Travony and them afraid of him finding out what they did to me."

"I think if Adam had known about them being in the mafia then he would have let Travony deal with them and not had us mark you. I think he would have marked you and left you at your family's home and just made sure that you were protected."

Julie looks at him, "Is the someone special that important to a vampire?"

"It's like finding your best friend and other half. I hear the wolves feel like that with their mates. When we lose our special someone or a wolf loses their mate they either go crazy or fade away."

"So when Mike brought Margo here because she was dying..."

"If she had died then the whole pack would have been in bad shape. Not only because their Alpha wouldn't be able to take proper care of the pack, but also because a luna is like the heart and soul of a pack. You take out the luna and you just about kill a pack right there, if you can kill the alpha before he kills you."

"So Adam and Aaron saved Margo, not just because she's my friend, but because it would damage the pack too badly if she died?"

"Look at me, Jules. I have no doubt the only thing they were thinking about yesterday was saving Margo because she is important to you. Everything else was just extra.

"It's the same with saving your other two friends. I have to warn you, Jules. That Judy girl, she's going to cause you problems. She wants Alex. The way she looks at him is like a cat watching a mouse. Every time her name is mentioned he jumps nervously.

"I've never seen Alex like that. Alex is one of the coolest and calmest of us Demarcos. She makes him sick, but is playing nice because of you. You need to tell him that he doesn't have to or you'll wish you had."

"What do you mean?"

"He won't hurt her without you telling him that he doesn't have to play nice. Oh, he would never physically hurt her, but he'll put up with her presence far more until you give him the go ahead that he can be rude to her." Azlo shuts up and bites his wrist and offers it to Julie who takes it and drinks the blood.

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