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The woman that opens the door doesn't look anything like Julie, "Yes, may I help you?" Adam holds back the smirk that wants to come on his face at her flirtatious tone. He wants to tell her that she can die for him, but he doesn't think Julie would go for that.

Before he can even say anything the woman continues on, "Oh, you must be here about the car. Come on in!"

Although he wasn't expecting it he's not going to miss out on the opportunity. He steps in, and Julie comes in behind him. He keeps the attention on him so that Julie's mother won't kick her out before he can deal with her.

"Honey, who was at the door?" The males voice makes Julie stiffen and that makes Adam angry.

"Someone that is interested in the Prius," Julie's mother says once more before Adam can say anything. She still hadn't noticed Julie standing at Adam's side.

Julie's father comes in the room, "Welcome. The Prius is only a year old and hardly even driven."

Adam hadn't realized that it was that new. "Why are you selling it then? The Prius has a reputation of being a reliable car."

"We got it for our daughter, she recently lost her privileges to drive so we're selling it." The woman says with a look of distaste on her face.

"You lying bitch!" Julie couldn't stay quiet any longer. "I bought that car, you didn't put a cent down on it. I worked my ass off and saved whatever you didn't steal from me and put it towards that car. Now you are trying to sell it? That car is in my name, if you sell it it's theft."

"She's right, grand theft auto, carries a prison term, not just jail." Adam allows his amusement to show.

"Julie?" Her mother says, to say that she is shocked at her daughters sudden reappearance would be an understatement.

"Yes?" Julie answers and her attitude is much like what she gave Adam at the party. He is beyond delighted at it. He is less delighted when her mother raises her hand to slap her.

Adam grabs her arm and just holds it. "I have seen more than enough evidence of child abuse on her poor body. Whip marks, both fresh and old, bruising from beatings ranging from days to hours old. I bet that if there were x-rays taken that it would show evidence of broken and fractured bones over much of her body." Adam is actually bluffing at this point, though, because his blood had already healed everything.

Adam ducks as Julie's father takes a punch at him. Her father misses, Adam doesn't. Her father goes down gasping for breath. 

"Let me introduce myself, I am Adam Demarco and I am your daughter's new boyfriend." Adam enjoys the look of horror on their faces as he tells them his name. "Now let me tell you what is going to happen. My brothers will be arriving within the hour to help pack and load whatever your daughter decides she wants. You will deny her nothing. This is just a small part of the payment you will be making to her for the years of abuse and pain she suffered.

"When my brothers arrive you will graciously invite them in. Then you will go back to the living room and sit quietly unless or until you are needed again. Do I make myself clear?" Adam demands more than a little angry at them. 

"Yes, Mr. Demarco," they both reply to him and go into the living room to await for the other brothers to arrive.

"I wondered how you were going to get them invited in." Julie says with amusement.

"They, unlike you, are very weak minded and easily controlled. Now, let's go to your room and start packing." Adam says and lets her lead the way.

"There really isn't much left to take. I had to buy my own clothes and it was a lower priority than the car or saving was so I don't have much else. I took the best clothes with me. I do have a laptop though."

"Leave it, I'll be buying you a new one later." Adam says looking at the model she holds up. He didn't think ones that old still ran.

Julie shrugs and sets it down. It might not have been the best, but it had been necessary for homework. She wonders what kind of laptop Adam planned on buying her.

"Anything else in this room you want?" Adam asks he hadn't been too impressed with the room the first time he saw it and is even less so now. He didn't think Julie had spent much time there.

"Not really," Julie says shrugging. She ignores the bathroom, there is nothing there she wants.

Adam doesn't let her bypass her parents room though. "I'm not allowed in there." Julie tells him quickly.

"Shall we find out why?" Adam says as he opens the door. Even he is surprised by what they see. There are weapons, guns, all different kinds on the bed and mounted on the wall. On the other side of the room Julie notices something sparkly and goes over for a closer look. She pulls out the drawers and after each one she finds it harder to think let alone talk.

"Well, it seems your parents have been hiding a great deal from you. You didn't know about the jewelry or guns I take it?" Adam says casually to the sight of millions of dollars of diamond and other precious gems made into incredible works of wearable art.

"Take what you want. If you don't want to keep it, I will help you get a good price for it." Adams says distractedly. He sees a laptop and hacks into it. Finding links for financials he looks over the family money and is disgusted.

"Well that at least explains the weapons." Adam mutters to himself.

"What does?" Julie demands going over to his side and sitting next to him on the bed.

"I've traced all monetary deposits to any and all of these accounts. Ultimately it all leads back to one source, Don Travony." Just the sound of the name makes Julie feel sick. Adam's reputation is dark and bloodthirsty, but clean. Don Travony, his reputation is such that there is little not associated with it. Well except flesh trafficking, he doesn't tolerate that, but everything else is a go.

"It looks like your parents are mixed up with the mafia, love." Adam says but he's not worried. The don and him have come up against each other many times. There are certain businesses that Travony owns a monopoly on and working with him is inevitable. But Travony is terrified of Adam Demarco, and for good reason. Adam smiles, he thinks he'll let the don take care of her parents.

The don doesn't hold with child abuse. There is no way that he knew what was going on here or he would have killed them long ago.

"Let's go, my brothers are here now." Adam says and watches as Julie empties out the jewelry collection. He smiles, he's going to buy her, her own anyway, but some of those pieces are really nice and he hopes that she will keep them.

'All done, Adam,' Julie says silently by the mind link.

"Very well, let's go." Adam had sent an email to Travony telling him to inventory the money laundering by Julie's parents. He saw enough discrepancies without looking too deep to know that they were stealing from Travony. Between the child abuse and the theft he doesn't think her parents will have long to live. He smirks at the thought.

They step out of the room and into the entry way just in time for the doorbell to ring. Julie goes to answer it, but Adam is instantly by her side and steps forward protecting her.

"Don Travony, what a pleasant surprise." Adam smirks, good he won't have to search him out.

Don Travony on the other hand turns white. "Adam Demarco," he looks over and notices the other Demarco's as well. "And family. What brings you here?"

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