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Adam doesn't leave Julie's side until she wakes up.

Julie wakes up and looks around. She's back at the estate. She no longer knows how she feels about that. She's more than a little sad that she seems to have survived. She truly hadn't believed that she would.

"I'm sorry, Jewel. I know you don't really believe me. I didn't realize just how controlling my actions have been. I will try to let you have more choice and less pressure on decisions. If you still wish to leave after you get better, I'll help you find an apartment."

Now that she's awake the tears he's been holding back are allowed to fall.

Julie doesn't really look at him.

"Is there someone else you'd prefer to have sit with you? Until I see you healthy for twenty-four hours I can't be sure that you are healed. You've scared us a couple of times already," Adam tells her.

That at least gets her attention.

"You've been home for three days now. Your heart stopped once since you got back and it almost stopped a second time. I can't let you be unobserved just yet."

"Azlo," Julie manages to croak out the name.

"Very well. As soon as he comes in I'll leave." Adam helps her sit up and gives her some water to drink.

"The mark," Julie tries to speak but starts coughing.

"Don't speak."

'The mark, the rogues mark, it's the same as the club in Chesterton. I don't remember the name of the club. You have to either have the mark or a special card to get in.'

Adam grits his teeth. Chesterton was the town where she was taken. The club could be the main location for the rogues. He sends out an order for scouting the club.

"Rest now, Jewel. I'll have food sent up." Adam tells her getting up as Azlo comes in.

"I'll send food up, make sure she eats. If she wants more or something different go ahead and order it." Adam orders Azlo.

"Yes, Adam."

Julie looks at Azlo after Adam left. "Tell me." Julie orders him.

Azlo looks at her innocently, 'what?'

Julie doesn't even say anything and just gives him a look. "Okay, we got there and there were about thirty rogues in the house. Aiden was the first one to find your scent and he was shocked and sickened at what he found. There was a rogue but he was the one that told him that you needed Adam.

"He didn't even dare move you, you were so close to death. It took both Adam and Aaron to heal you enough to move you. Even after all they had you still had a fever that nearly took you from us."

"Why didn't you let it?" Julie asks tiredly and lets her eyes close. She's so tired.

"It would have killed Adam if you died and hurt the rest of us." Azlo tells her but she had already slipped into sleep. Azlo checks to make sure that it's just a normal sleep and he lets Adam know.

The next time she wakes up she finds Aaron at her side.

"Sleeping beauty awakens." Aaron jokes with her. Aaron stops smiling, "We're all sorry, Jules. We didn't mean to make you feel like you had no control of your life. Adam, and to some extent the rest of us, are control freaks. We do it so often that we no longer even notice when we do. 

"Adam was crying, Julie. Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've seen him cry? He was scared, we all were. He stayed by your side hardly sleeping and only eating because he might need to heal you. He was a mess until he was convinced that you will pull through. He blames himself.

"He's looking at apartments in various locations. He's already found three I believe. He wants you to have a choice on where you live.

"I'm asking you to consider giving him and us another chance. Tell us when we overstep ourselves."

"Yeah, like that worked so well last time. I tried and was told to basically suck it up." Julie wipes the tears from her face.

"We know. We now understand things a little better though. I promise, that if you give us another chance that won't happen again."

"He says that he doesn't want to make me cry and was even terrorizing you guys, yet he's the one that made me cry the most."

"He won't make the same mistake again, Jules. All I'm asking is to give him another chance to show you that he can learn from his mistakes. Give him until your birthday at least. Then you won't even need his help to get an apartment."

"Knock it off, Aaron, you're trying to manipulate me again."

Aaron sighs deeply, "I didn't mean to. I know that doesn't mean much to you. Vampires are naturally manipulative creatures. I know it doesn't excuse me or any of us, but it does help to explain us. If you give us a chance we will be trying to be worthy of that chance."

"Stop, Aaron, I promised her that she could leave when she wanted. I'm not going to manipulate or have her manipulated into staying. Because of me she nearly died in the hands of my enemies." Adam says tiredly. He had heard part of the conversation and doesn't want Aaron or any of them to pressure Julie into staying.

Aaron leaves allowing Adam to take his seat at the side of her bed.

"How are you feeling today?" Adam asks her tiredly rubbing his eyes. He badly needs his sleep but he hasn't been able to as long as Julie isn't better. He knows that she will get better now, but they still don't know why she was so sick or why she wasn't healed with their healing. 

"Tired, but much better than I was before."

"Good. I think that tomorrow you'll be up to getting out of bed. At least if you eat. Make sure you eat as much as you can.

"I've found three apartments so far. One in the city near the university, one in Callen," that's a city about an hours drive south from them, "And one in Austen.

"You are welcome to stay here until your birthday and find your own apartment of course. You are welcome to stay for as long as you wish. Our original deal hasn't changed if you wish to stay. I know you were still taken by enemies so this deal wasn't all that great for you." Adam tries to give her a smile but he can't quite make it.

"If you are up to it, you have some visitors." Adam tells her after he is unable to smile.

"Who?" She most definitely isn't up for a visit from Judy.

"Margo and Mike Townsend."

"Yes," Julie manages a small weak smile.

"I'll send then in then. Think about where you want to live and I'll make the necessary arrangements."

"Thank you." Julie says as he gets up.

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