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Julie and Alex were laughing as they enter the mansion. Just like the previous week Julie was relaxed. Just like the previous week Alex leans down and kisses her, "I want to take you back to my room and end this date properly, but I have to say goodnight to you now."

"Goodnight, Alex, thank you for everything." Julie smiles at him and Alex caresses her face.

"Any time, Jules." He gives her one more kiss before leaving her in the entrance way.

Still smiling Julie makes her way to the kitchen and out the back door. She goes into the garden and lets the moonlight guide her to the bench.

Adam watches from the shadows as the moon covers Julie's body. She is so beautiful. He had felt both her tears and her laughter this day. He has no doubt that he is at least partially responsible for her tears. He had been rude to her this morning. 

He hadn't been expecting to see her so soon. Julie, when left to her own devices would sleep until nearly noon. To find her coming into the kitchen when it just turned seven shocked him. He wanted desperately to take her in his arms and hold her. 

Letting her go is going to kill him, but he won't force her to do anything else, he can't. He's losing her because of trying to hold onto her too tight.

What's that saying? If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you it is yours, if it doesn't it never was. It's time he lets her go. He has no illusions though, she won't be coming back. How could she want to? He's a vampire, a monster of the night. Something people tell stories about to scare each other.

She's an angel of light and beauty. She helps and protects. 

Julie is the first person, other than his brothers, that he's ever given a damn about or protected.

Julie gives to others freely, even that bitchy friend of hers. Any pain she gives is almost all unintentional. She's had too much pain given to her to want others to feel what she went through. She has so much love to give.

Adam sneers at himself, he knows that he's selfish, it's how he was raised. He doesn't like to share, never has and doubts he ever will. Yet, here he is sharing Julie, just so that he can be near her.

If he truly cared about her he'd let her go. He has to, he's slowly killing her in this world. He thought it would be the supernatural world that would kill her, and in a way it was, but it's the world of money that made her run from him.

He'd give up everything to have her love, but it's too late. The markings can't be undone. He tried while she was dying. Somehow something that was supposed to be a simple one way marking has become a complicated double binding. As she is theirs, they are hers. All the more reason for her to leave, his brothers still have a chance at finding their special someone and finding happiness. If she stays then they will have to share their time between their special someone and Julie and that's not fair to any of them.

He was such a fool and because of his pride they are all going to suffer.

"You look like a goddess under the moonlight," Adam says finally moving out from where he was watching her.

"I was wondering when you were going to stop watching me like a perv and actually talk to me." Julie doesn't even look over to him.

"How does one stop staring at a goddess?" Adam asks going up to her. "You had fun with Alex?"

"I'm sure that you could tell that I did." Julie answers him. Alex is the only one so far that has had a second date.

"I got a call today from the car dealership, your car will be ready next week." Adam can't resist touching the moon kissed skin. "You so fucking beautiful, Jewel."

"I thought you didn't like me anymore," Julie whispers as she shivers under his fingers.

"I don't think that is even possible, my Jewel." Adam feathers kisses along the same path his fingers had just gone over. He shouldn't be doing this, she almost died because of him. She is far better off not being with him but he can't stop himself.

"I have no right to ask this, Jewel, but do you want the lesson I have cancelled three times now?"

"Four, but that last one wasn't your decision." Julie tells him, but doesn't answer his question. She is just enjoying the feel of his fingers on her skin.

"Let me take you back to my room and teach you fully?" Adam is all but begging her. He might be letting her go but he's too selfish to let her go without tasting her completely, if she'll let him.

In response Julie lets her fingers run across his skin like he had been doing.

"Jewel?" This time his voice is choked and tight.

"I need to know what you intend to do and I'm not talking about the lesson."

"I told you, you have but to tell me where you want to live and I'll make the living arrangements." Adam tells her, but his voice doesn't sound like his normal sexy one.

"What do you want me to do and please be honest, Adam."

"I am a selfish bastard, I know that, Jewel, I want you to stay here. I want to love you and be with you. I hate like hell that I have to share you, but if that's the only way then that's what I'll take."

Julie leans in and whispers something in his ear and he lifts her up. She wraps her legs around his waist as he carries her into the house.

He takes his time and explores her body and lets her explore his. Before he takes this any further he has her drink his blood.  "It's going to hurt baby, the first time always does, but the blood should help." He also does his best to prepare her.

He makes sure that she is well pleasured before he enters her. After she has time to become accustomed to him he brings her to the heights of pleasure once more.

Being with her was even better than he thought it would be.

Now he has to learn how to control his jealousy, because now his brothers will be able to be with her like this too.

He holds her to him unable to sleep. He loves hearing her heart beat next to him and the feel of her breath against his skin.

He sets his hand over her abdomen and in shock he sits up. It shouldn't have happened so easily. Not even with his parents had it happened this easily.

Oh fuck.

How is he going to explain this not just to his brothers but to Julie?

He's pleased that she's going to have his child, but she won't be, especially when she finds out what is going to happen to her.

He'd just abort the child without her knowing, but he thinks if he does that he'll never see her again. It's just not worth it. He'll just have to tell her and hope that she forgives him.

He's never felt the need to pray so strongly before, not even when she was dying and they weren't sure she would live.

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