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Alex and the others are sitting in the kitchen when they come in. "Guys can I talk to you all for a minute?" Julie asks when she sees that they are all there.

They all give her their attention, "I know you all have been trying really hard to be nice to my friends for my sake. I just want to tell you that I really appreciate it. I don't have many friends so I like to take care of the ones that I do have. I am however, aware of what a bitch Judy is. She has a tendency to steal boyfriends from those she wants. 

"I know that she's been looking over each of you and deciding which one she wants. I think the only one that she won't go after is Adam because he terrifies her.

"Alex, I believe that she has selected you. You don't have to be nice to her. I know you don't like her. Hell, you don't even want her blood unless you're desperate. Be rude to her if you wish, a  word of warning though, she can be rather tenacious. She's also very good about seducing even those that don't like her. You don't have to like someone to have sex with them. I can't even count how many times she's stolen a boyfriend from someone she hates and can't even stand the boy.

"So this goes for all of you, but especially you, Alex, feel free to be as rude as you wish to her. You might need to use your command on her as well."

Alex seems to relax, "Thank you, Julie, you have no idea just how much that means to me."

Julie smiles at them all. "You are welcome. Now how do we want to do the blood letting this morning? Azlo and Adam have already fed me."

Aaron stands up and moves over to her. "Feed me Seymour, feed me." Julie smirks as he cuts his wrist.

"This might be a house of horrors but not the Little Shop of Horrors." Aaron says handing her his wrist.

"Oh, but I'm Audrey II, I mean look I have to eat blood to stay alive."

That gets them all to laugh. Julie smiles at them happily.

Each of the brothers give her blood even as they make their own references to the cult classic.

"Julie, it's my day to spend with you today, but I'm not sure that you want to after yesterday," Arthur tells her as he offers his blood to her.

"I wasn't happy about it, and I'm really disappointed in you, but I'll at least listen to what you have planned for the day."

"Well, I was hoping that we could go to the city for the play we didn't get to see last week? We could eat before we go or eat there, whichever you'd prefer."

"To tell you the truth I'm a bit nervous about going to the city after what happened last week. Would it be possible for those not busy to come with us?" Julie asks, she bites her bottom lip nervously and Arthur looks at it hungrily.

"Yeah, I think there are seats still available near our section." 

"Guys, what do you think?" Julie asks. She directs the question to Aaron and Alex mostly.

Aaron gets a wicked look in his eyes, "I think that would be great. What play would we be seeing?"

"Strangely enough, Little Shop of Horrors," even Arthur has a smile on his face as he tells them this.

"I'm in, I could use a good diversion." Alex is hoping that there might be another attempt on Julie so that he can kill some smelly mutts.

Aiden smirks as does Azlo. "We're in. What section do we need to look for?"

"The best one obviously. Regency theatre balcony sections."

"I'll make reservations at a great place I know in town, if you're willing, Jules?" Aaron gives her a small smile.

Julie gives him a relieved one in return. "That would be nice. So I guess that means a dress for tonight. Shit."

The boys start snickering. They all know just how much she dislikes dresses. She flat out told them if they want her to wear a dress they'll need to tell her ahead of time and it better be worth her time.

They've been very careful to not make her wear a dress. Going to the symphony with Adam was the last time she wore one.

"That reminds me, Jules, there's an auction coming up. It's a benefit for the children's hospital, to help with the medical costs and housing for the family's of those receiving hospital care." Aaron goes over to the mail slots they have to organize their mail and finds a brochure. "Adam wants to know if you'd be interested in going and bidding on items?"

There is an antique tea service in there and Adam is fairly sure that Julie would like to get it, but doesn't want to make any assumptions any more.

Julie takes the brochure and takes a quick glance through it. Her eye is caught by the tea service and she inhales sharply. "That is absolutely gorgeous. Yes, I want to get that." Julie tells Aaron and hands the brochure to him.

 Alex sneaks a peek as it goes by. Yes, that would be something Julie would like. It fits her somehow. He will make sure she gets it even if she stops bidding before she wins it.

"Great. The auction is in two weeks. Adam, and myself will be there." Aaron says then looks at the various brothers.

"I'll be there," Alex says, Aiden also nods. Arthur shakes his head, "Sorry not my cup of tea." Azlo nods that he'll be going. The others look at him in shock, he never goes to things like this, ever.

Julie snickers as does Aaron, Alex smiles at the accidental pun. The others look a bit baffled not realizing there is a tea service she will be bidding on.

"Very well, I'll make sure that they reserve a table for us." Aaron says and finds the number for the event and makes the call.

"Arthur do you have anything planned before we need to leave for the restaurant?" Julie asks, she's still feeling a little tired. 

She had a hard time eating because of the amount of blood she had to take in. This isn't going to work. She is going to have to eat first or stagger times for taking in the blood. It won't do to feed the blood eaters if she's going to die from starvation.

"No, I don't have anything else planned." Arthur isn't all that happy about his brothers joining them. But since he doubts Julie would go if they didn't he doesn't fight it. 

He really screwed up yesterday and he just hopes that she will soon forgive him. He felt like they were becoming pretty good friends before he blew it.

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