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Alex gives her a shy smile when she knocks at his door, "Happy birthday, Jules." He has her come in and like the others before her hands her an envelope. He has her look down and like she expected there's a car.

"I have too many cars now, there won't be any place to park them."

"Adam had the old shed torn down and built a garage just for you. He knew or suspected that you would be getting more vehicles. By the  way, the vehicles are graduation gifts, not birthday gifts. I bet they didn't tell you that did they?"

"No, they both just said birthday." Julie says in wonder. Alex's car to her is a sedan, but a nice one.

She takes the envelope and opens it. BMW key chain is what comes out as well as something else. A bracelet that matches the emerald earrings he gave her. There was also the papers that she was half way expecting.

"Voting stock in your companies?" She asks and he nods. "The bracelet goes with the earrings."

"Yes, I bought the whole set, but I figured I'd hold out on giving you the necklace for when I screw up again." Alex tells her with a smile.

Julie gives him a hug, "Then I won't ever get the necklace."

"Tell you what, I'll give it to you by New Years if I don't screw up before then. How's that?"

Julie hugs him harder, "I love you."

"I love you too." Alex tells her and stiffens as the babies let it be known he's too close. "The babies?" Alex says starting to smile.

"Yes, they are getting impatient for breakfast I think."

"Forgive me," Alex bites his wrist and gives it to her. "Congratulations and happy birthday love."

Julie goes to her room to drop off her gifts before heading to Aiden's room. She takes a moment to wipe her tears off. They are tears of happiness but the boys get worked up at the sight of her tears, no matter what.

"Aiden?" Julie knocks at his door. He's usually the earliest riser. He's the least nocturnal of the brothers many times in bed before the sun.

"Happy birthday, Jules." Aiden says opening his door for her to come in.

"Thank you, Aiden. You know today I've received more gifts than I have my entire life, excluding moving in here." Julie goes with him to the window.

"The others got you vehicles too, didn't they?" Aiden asks amused.

"Yes," Julie says. She looks down and finds herself without words.

"Adam will kill you, but I love it. There is no way in hell he'll let me ride that until after the babies are born." Aiden got her a motorcycle. She has even less knowledge of motorcycles than cars, but she's sure it's an expensive one.

"Oh, I would never let you on it until you have the little ones, but sometimes you need the freedom of having the wind flying with you. I'll teach you after the children are born. As for Adam, I'll talk him into it. It might take me a few months, but I'll do it." Julie gives him a hug even as she takes the envelope from him. 

The expected papers, a key, and another bracelet. She looks at it. She sees six charms. She can see a brother for each charm. Aiden had gotten it perfect. "We belong to you, Jules, just as much as you belong to us. Now you can wear that and everyone can see it."

"No one will understand. I'm the only one that knows you all that well other than the other brothers." Julie holds her wrist out and Aiden places the bracelet around her wrist.

"You're even more beautiful than before Jules. Pregnancy suits you, just don't do it again so soon. You deserve to have a life as well."

Julie looks up at him with her tears she holds back with difficulty. "I know, but I don't have eternity like you guys do. I'll have to turn to have that kind of life and if I do then I won't be able to have more children."

"Aren't seven enough?" Aiden asks gently enfolding her in his arms.

"Yes, but still, I would like the choice, you know?"

"Oh, you and your choices. We'll always do our best to allow you to make your own choices. We're slow sometimes, but we learned our lesson well. We almost lost you and it terrified us all. When I saw you too ill to even move-then Adam couldn't heal you," Aiden wipes away his own tears. "Don't leave us, Jules, don't ever leave us."

"An eternity with me, won't that get boring?" Julie says trying to get a smile.

"Never, you are the challenge, no human can compete." Aiden says and then gives her a wicked look. "Next time you spend the night with me, will you let me make a video? We can invite one of my brothers to join us if you want."

"You better not have just asked Jewel what I think you asked." Adam says in the doorway. He was wondering what was taking so long.

"Um, nope, you didn't hear me asking your lovely special one to make a sex video with me and you." Aiden says hopefully.

"Aiden," Adam growls warningly.

"You can't kill me until after the party." Aiden says smugly.

"Ohh," Julie says and puts her hand on her abdomen.

She grabs Aiden's hand and places it there as well. "Is everything okay, Jewel?" Adam asks anxiously coming into the room.

"Yes, they are just very active right now." Julie says smiling at him reassuringly. Aiden looks at her with wonder. He'd never felt a baby kicking inside a mother before.

Adam goes behind Julie and hugs her. He takes a look at what Aiden bought her. "Oh, hell, no."

"She already knows that she's not allowed to ride it until after the babies are born. I'll make sure that she knows how to ride safely and I'll give her the correct clothes to wear when driving it."

"Aiden," Adam says warningly.

"I've always wanted to ride and drive one, but I was always to chicken before coming here."

Julie's words act like cold water on Adam. "It's a dream of yours?" Adam hopes he isn't hearing correctly.

"It is," Julie looks up at him hopefully and bites her lip.

"Shit." Adam looks over to Aiden, "If anything happens to her because she was riding that thing I'll kill you. That is a promise."

"If anything happens to her from riding that I'll let you." Aiden tells him soberly.

Adam deflates, he'd promised he'd help her gain and fulfill her dreams. "Very well, but not until after the babies are born."

Julie beams a smile at him and assures him that she won't drive it until they are born and that she will always wear the protective gear. She has no desire to end up with road rash or a smashed head.

Aiden thanking the heavens for still being alive after that bites his wrist and offers it to her.

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