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Julie is getting ready for the dinner when Adam comes in. "You look breath taking, Jewel." Adam tells her stopping short after entering the room.

"Hot damn, you look good." Adam is wearing a new black suit with an emerald green tie. He definitely planned this to match her. She's not going to complain though. Everyone will know who he belongs to tonight.

Adam goes behind her and does the dress up for her. "Aiden has excellent taste. Did you have to threaten him like you did me?"

"You have no idea just how much. I thought he was going to choke when I told him absolutely no heels. It wasn't until I reminded him of the children and my clumsiness that he relented. After about twenty dresses I told him no more. Fortunately he found this in the batch I allowed."

"He did good," Adam says peppering kisses along her neck.

"Keep that up and we'll have guests looking for us." Julie warns him and shudders at his touch.

"Who cares?" Adam says and continues.

"Adam, your parents are coming. I know you mother accepts me, but I'm still not sure on your father."

Adam stands up and sighs, "He's apologized to you. That's unheard of for him. He's being nice because he wants you to accept him."

"Adam," Julie asks him unsure. She looks at his reflection in the mirror.

"Yes, love," Adam asks liking how well they look together in the mirror.

"Do you ever regret helping me? I've caused you and your family a great deal of trouble."

"You've brought me and my family a great deal of joy. That far out weighs any trouble you've brought us. No, I've never regretted it and I know my brothers haven't either. As for my parents, they are thrilled with you because you're making them grandparents, seven times over. They get to brag to their friends about all their grandbabies. There's nothing my mother likes more, she loves lording it over people."

"So if I wasn't pregnant she wouldn't like me?"

"Love, you won my father over, it's far easier to win my mother. She loves you for you, but that you're giving her bragging rights just makes everything better in her book."

Adam gives her one last kiss then turns her around to escort her from the room.

They get to the bottom of the stairs just in time for the guests to start arriving.

Adam, Julie and the other brothers warmly greet their guests.

Julie finishes her speech with a sense of relief and to thunderous applause. The hardest part of the night is over. Now comes the relaxing part of the night.

Julie waits patiently for her name to be called. When she goes to get her diploma there is once more a great deal of applause. She colors lightly embarrassed but pleased at the support of her new family and her friends.

Aiden won't let her enter the ballroom just yet. "I want you to have the full effect, love." He gets a message and nods. "Okay, love, they are ready for us." Aiden and the others walk with Julie between them.

"Oh, Aiden, it's perfect." Julie says. The boys all murmur agreement or variants of her words. Aiden looks over to Adam who nods. Aiden smiles, he hopes all goes well this night.

The party is in full swing and dinner is just about to be served. Adam brings Julie up with him to the mic as he welcomes everyone to the hotel.

"Is everyone having a good time?" 

There is a general chorus of yes and wolf whistles and cat calls. Adam lets it go on for a bit before holding his hands up for quiet. "I'm glad to hear that. For those of you that don't know, I am Adam Demarco and these are my brothers, Aaron, Alex, Aiden, Arthur and Azlo and we welcome you to the special celebration of your graduation and my lovely girlfriend's birthday."

Once again there is a round of whistles and cat calls.

"Now, before you all eat and rush off to the different areas of entertainment, I have a special announcement. A question actually," Adam pulls Julie to his side then turns to face her. "Julie Thomas, we haven't known each other long, but you've got me running around all around. I have no idea which way is up any more. You are the most loving, caring, generous person I have ever met. Your beauty shines inside and out. You've turned me from a cold hearted business man to someone that needs to be better, because only then will I feel like I am worthy of you.

"We may have met under less than ideal circumstances, but from the first I knew that I needed to know you better."

Adam gets down on one knee, "I know this is putting you on the spot, but I wanted everyone to know just how much I love you. And I do, more than I ever thought was possible to love.

"Julie Thomas, my Jewel, my love, will you marry me and stay with me for eternity?" Adam asks her holding out a ring. An emerald in the shape of a diamond surrounded by diamonds.

Julie has tears streaming down her eyes and can only nod, yes.

The applause from the gathered crowd is no less then the cheers from Adam's family even his father.

Ever since they had found out what Adam had planned that evening they've been anxious about her answer.

Normally when a vampire finds their special one there is no doubt that they will say yes. But Julie isn't normal. The whole situation with Julie isn't normal. Even after the marriage she'll still be spending large amounts of time with the other brothers.

The real problem will be when they find their special someone's.

They both look forward to that and dread it. They can't wait to find someone as great as Julie, but dread it because they will never be able to just be with their special someone. Julie is too much a part of them. 

She is the mother of their child. She is their friend. She is their lover. Now she'll be their sister.

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