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"Alex, sorry to break up your time together, but Aaron has requested that you come tonight. He'd rather have  Aiden here to protect Julie and you there to fight." Adam looks at the two watching a movie.

Julie is not happy with the change in arrangements. If he was Aaron he'd be running by now. He's just glad that it's Aaron that made the request. He had debated between the two and had leaned towards letting Alex stay since it's his night with Julie.

"Adam, that's not fair." Julie isn't going to believe that Adam didn't have anything to do with the request.

"It's alright, Julie. I'll go and kill some mutts then come back to you tonight."

Adam has to hold in his anger. He made the deal now he has to deal with it. He'd rather be the one holding Julie tonight after the fight.

"It's not so much that," Julie tries to leave it at that but both of them are looking at her. "I still haven't forgiven him yet."

"Damn girl you can hold onto a grudge." Alex is actually impressed. He didn't think Julie had it in her to hold onto her anger that long.

In spite of himself Adam is as well. He'd thought she'd have forgiven them both by now.

"Jewel, I think you punished them enough haven't you?" He wants them to go into the fight with their heads in the game and not back here with Julie.

Julie sighs, "I guess. Will you send them in to see me?" Julie asks going back to her room.

"Yeah," Adam tells her as she leaves the room.

Adam turns to Alex, "Keep your focus on the fight and not back here. I don't want to have to tell Julie that you are hurt. Better put some blood in the fridge for storage." If anything happens to any of the Demarco boys Julie is in for a world of hurt. The only way to save her might be for Adam or Aaron to abort the child of which ever of them doesn't make it.

Adam has no intention of letting any of his brothers not come home.

'Adam?' Julie calls to him silently.

'Yes?' Adam says cautiously.

'I love you,' Julie manages to get out all in a rush. 'I love all you boys, but I am in love with you.' She didn't want him to leave and possibly not come back without him knowing how she feels about him.

Adam tells her that he loves her as well. He wants to jump up and down for joy. He never thought she could love him, a monster, a beast.

Adam sends in Aiden and Arthur to Julie after letting Aiden know his new role tonight. He blanches when he found out that Julie wants to talk to him.

The fight is short but very bloody. They had guessed pretty accurately on their estimations and they were more than enough to take down the rogues.

Adam is busy with Aaron going through the survivors and finding out which ones are there by force and which by desire.

Adam is pleasantly surprised by how many are actually there by force. He has Mike Townsend come over and talk to them while they are still under command. Mike reluctantly accepts the former rogues into his pack.

They are all happy as the rogues lose their trash scent.

While Adam and Aaron are busy with that Alex is unpleasantly surprised to find a familiar human caught up with the captives.

"Judy, what are you doing here?" Alex uses his command on her.

"I was here dancing. This is the hottest club in the area." So far the girl speaks truth but he's not convinced that she's not hiding something.

"What do you know about the owners of this club?" He doesn't think she knows anything about the supernatural world. They have been pretty good about not saying anything in front of her.

Judy shrugs, "Not much really. Some foreign dude I think. I've never seen or met the man though."

Alex wishes that he could kill her but those aren't his orders. He signals for her release. "You should get home now. It's late and you have school in the morning."

"But Mr. Demarco, I'm scared and not ready to go home alone." Alex rolls his eyes. He tells his brothers that he'll be back shortly, that Judy needs someone to walk with her for a bit.

Judy grabs his arm and Alex pulls it free from her grip. "Knock it off, Judy. I'm your friend's boyfriend not yours."

"Yes, Mr. Demarco," Judy says and looks down. She hides the smirk that is on her face. So far so good. There is no way she's going home alone tonight. She can't let the frigid bitch have all the hot boys.

If Alex could hear her thoughts he'd smack her onto her ass and leave her.

Unfortunately he couldn't hear them or see her smirk. He also seems to forget Julie's warnings about Judy.

After several minutes they head back to the club now Judy has her arm entwined with Alex's and he leaves it there.

Alex leaves her at the cars and goes back to helping interrogate those caught up in the little war with the rogues.

Judy is still there when they finish up with the last of the captives. Alex wants to groan seeing her there still sitting on the hood of her car. Her short skirt pulled up showing most of her legs and not a little part of her lower anatomy.

"Judy, you were told to go home over an hour ago. Why are you still here?" Alex asks in exasperation.

"There's no one there and I don't want to be alone." Judy says sounding like a little girl.

"Go home, Judy," Alex finally loses his temper and uses his command on her.

"Yes, Mr. Demarco. It's just that I'm scared."

"Why are you scared, Judy?" Alex commands her to tell him the truth.

"I don't like to be alone." Alex rolls his eyes. 

"Then you should have called Michelle and had a sleep over. Now go home, I'm tired and want to go to my own home." Alex is now getting upset.

"Could I go with you?" Judy asks innocently she runs her fingers up and down his arm.

"No. Go home." Alex orders and finally Judy gets up and makes as if to get in the car but instead whirls around and kisses him. 

Before he even realizes what he's doing he's kissing Judy back. He gets in her car and they race off to his house.

JewelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant