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Alex wakes up feeling that something is very wrong. He looks around and finds himself in his room and in his bed. He finds Julie looking at him with such pain and betrayal on her face that he never wants to see it again.

He's confused he doesn't understand why she would look like that. Then he feels someone stir on the bed next to him. He looks to his side and finds Judy next to him and she's naked. 

Memories of the night before come flooding back into his mind and he wants to run to the bathroom and vomit. He makes it to the toilet just before he lets loose. He'd never heard of vampires getting sick like this.

"Jules," Alex says after he's done vomiting. But Julie just turns and leaves the room.

That's when Alex realizes that he's naked as well. Dammit.

Julie walks out of the room and makes it to her room before she loses it. Adam is there almost immediately. 

"Jewel, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Take a look at Alex's room. He never came to find me last night, so I went looking for him this morning. I need to drink his blood..." Julie can't continue the story.

Adam goes to Alex's room and there he finds Judy still asleep and naked in Alex's bed. His eyes turn cold and angry. He finds Alex still bent over the toilet "Guilt does that. I think it's the only thing that will make a male vampire sick. How could you do that to Julie?"

"I didn't intend to. I even ordered her to her house using command. She started getting in her car then kissed me. I don't even remember the drive here or being with her.

"What I do remember is waking up with Julie looking betrayed and that bitch in my bed."

"She isn't welcome in this house any longer. She needs to be out of here within ten minutes. You will need to figure out how the hell you are going to give Julie your blood when she doesn't want anything to do with you right now." Alex looks down in shame. He's put his child and Julie in danger because he didn't heed Julie's warning enough.

Judy starts stirring in the bed once more. 

Adam gets a truly nasty smile on his face. Alex swallows hard. He feels for Judy in that moment. Not a great deal, but he does feel for her.

Adam just stares at the bitch that is causing a great deal of pain to his family. The potential damage that she could cause is incalculable.

Judy feels uncomfortable and it's causing her to wake up. She feels the bed for Alex and doesn't find him. No matter, she got what she wanted. She wakes up with a smirk on her face. Looking around she finds herself looking at Adam Demarco and fear floods her.

Oh, shit. That wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to know that she was here. That bitch Julie, yes, but not Adam.

The smirk she awoke with is gone.

She looks into the burning eyes of Adam and she can barely breathe. "You have ten minutes to get your ass out of my house and never come back. You think you are so smart because you fucked  my brother and hurt Julie. You have no idea what you just did and what harm you caused someone that has done nothing but be a friend and defender. 

"You have now lost that role from her. You better hope there is never a time when you need my help, because unlike Julie I don't forgive or forget. You hurt my family. You hurt my love and you will pay. Perhaps not today, perhaps not tomorrow but I will make you pay. Depending on how much damage this causes will depend on how much I destroy you.

"You better hope that it's nothing more than Julie never forgiving my brother."

Judy is confused, what more could there be.

She is brought out of her thoughts as her clothes from yesterday hit her in her face. "Get dressed bitch. Adam never gives second chances to those he shows mercy to. I will say this, Julie has truly mellowed him, because if she hadn't you'd be going to the hospital instead of being allowed to go home." Alex tells her with poisonous hatred.

"Very well, just remember that you are picking me up for the auction next week." Judy tells Alex smirking at him.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Alex yells at her getting angrier by the second.

"You asked me to go with you to the auction last night."

"What the fuck did you do to me? You drug me somehow?" Alex commands her.

Judy just smiles, "Nope, didn't have to. I never have to, to get what I want from men."

"You'll do well in the world of strippers and whores then won't you. I'll ask Adam if we have any positions opening at our clubs, shall I?" Alex says venomously.

The girl stares at him in shock. She's never been talked to like that by a conquest before. She narrows her eyes in anger, "You promised you'd pick me up at seven next Wednesday."

Alex still has her under a truth command and so he has to believe her. He wants to be sick again. How could he do that to Julie?

"How could you back stab your friend like this?" Alex demands.

"Oh, Julie? She was never my friend, I was just using her. I have to say I never thought she'd be so useful as to get me a Demarco though."

Alex smiles a dark and twisted smile that makes Judy fear him for the first time ever. "You should be careful what you wish for. You might just get it. I was on my best behavior for Jules sake, but now, now all bets are off. You will regret what you did last night. Even if Adam doesn't make you regret it, I will and I will make sure that you will never even think of doing this to someone else ever again.

"Now you have thirty seconds to get your naked ass self out of this house and in your car." Alex throws her her keys and doesn't care that they hit her in her face.

Judy doesn't believe him and still takes her time in getting dressed and so her head is covered by her top when she feels herself being picked up none too gently and being carried rapidly down the stairs and out of the house. She is tossed along with her things onto the ground.

She picks her bruised and battered self up from the ground and brushes off the dirt and gravel.

"I warned you Judy. Now get the hell off my property before I call the police and have you arrested for trespassing." Adam threatens her.

"I'll have him arrested for statutory rape, if you do." Judy says coldly back.

When Adam merely smiles coldly a frisson of fear runs up her spine.

"Well that would have worked a few days ago, but seeing as yesterday was your birthday it won't now. Perhaps I'll have you arrested for trespassing and attempted blackmail. Who do you think they will believe? A scorned high school girl or a respected business mogul?"

Judy looks at him shaking at how impotent she is and how filled with anger.

"That Judy, is just the beginning of what I'm going to do to you. You have yet to even taste how vindictive and vengeful I am when it comes to my family and love. 

"You have one minute," Adam says and Judy doesn't dare to hesitate, she picks up what she can from the ground and runs to the car and doesn't bother buckling up as she backs up and gets out of there.

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