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Adam sits back into his chair. This is something else that he knows she's not going to like. "The marking happens when we bite you. By doing so, we claim you as property. It acts like a dog tag proclaiming us your masters. Should anyone mess with or try to harm you then they would know that they are messing with us.

"My bite alone should warn off all potential supernatural problems, but with my brothers marking you as well I doubt there are any stupid enough to cause problems."

"Does it hurt?" Julie asks, her voice low and barely audible. She's had enough pain to last her a lifetime.

"At first, it will. I won't lie. Our bites always hurt at first. Then it is up to each individual whether the bite continues painful or we give pleasure to our victims. For marking there is almost always pleasure given. My brothers are aware that I'll be most displeased if they make it painful for you."

"Will I be required to have sex with you?" Julie once more asks so quietly that even the vampires had trouble hearing it.

"You're a virgin?" Adam hadn't seen that one coming. In his experience the more beautiful a female the earlier she has sex. 

Julie looks up at him almost defiantly. "Yes. Is that a problem?"

Adam closes his eyes and sighs out. "No, it's not a problem. I assure you that you will not be required to do anything you don't want to. You won't be forced to have sex, but if you choose to do so, we are more than willing to teach you.

"Vampires have great appetites for food and sex." Adam tells her.

"Vampires have great appetites for all the sins, with the possible exception of sloth. Lazy vampires don't have money or food." Aiden says smirking.

"I won't be forced to do stuff I don't want to?" Julie already knows that they can't command her but they are vastly stronger than her, she wouldn't stand a chance against them if they used force on her.

"No, I give you my word that you will never be forced to do something you don't wish to do. That doesn't mean we won't try to convince you to do it though. Vampires can be very persuasive even without commanding someone." Adam assures her and warns her all at once. "There is no rape with vampires, Julie. You might, however, find yourself changing your mind about whether you have sex or not."

There is a knock at the door and a maid, not Candy, pokes her head in. "Master, the young miss's clothes are clean and put away in her room."

"Thank you, Joanie. You are dismissed for the night." Adam tells the maid without moving his eyes from Julie.

"My clothes?" Julie asks confused. As far as she knew they were still in the alley where she was attacked.

"I brought your bag and all your things back to the house. Your clothes had gotten dirty from being dumped in the dirty alley. I had the maid clean them for you. I need you to go through your things and make sure that I found everything. If not, I'll go back and look for what I missed." Aaron tells the overwhelmed girl.

"Thank you. I'll check as soon as I can and let you know." Julie tells him and gives him a brief smile.

"If there isn't anything else you want to know," Adam lets the sentence end there to give her time to ask more if she has more questions.

"I know there is, but right now my head is spinning with all the information it's been given. When do I need to make a decision?" Julie fights the tears she feels back.

"There is no rush, but if you decide to stay I'll be taking you shopping tomorrow."

"There is no need for that." Julie is quick to say.

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